By Johannah Thom:
July 26, 2016
I had a dream I was at the White House it was red I asked the spirit is that red paint the spirit said no that’s blood of those who did not bow down to the two beasts and refused to take the mark there were buildings around me on fire some crumbled down but still smoking the fence fell forward I walked over the fence and I asked the spirit what happened here the spirit replied war martial law I walked past the fountain the lights were on but the water was red I asked the spirit is that water coloring the spirit said no blood I walked to the door it opened by itself I walked into a big room I saw people very thin they looked very underweight and they wore what looked like prison clothes and they had tags on them like farm animals do but on their collars I saw soldiers in the room that had black uniforms on they had bulletproof vests on too which were also black they had guns there were about ten in the room one was checking in People it was strange I went in the other room and saw a guillotine I saw a pile of bodies that went to the ceiling bodies with no heads.