By Jeremiah Johnson
Wednesday July 26, 2017
In my dream last night, I saw the spirit of perversion fellowshipping with the spirit of entertainment. These spirits revealed themselves to me as legitimate demonic principalities that search for opportune windows to break in upon the lives of people.
I saw millions of people specifically playing video games and as they did, demonic principalities were invading their homes. The spirits of lust, pornography, and even suicide are directly connected to playing video games. What I was seeing blew my mind. Folks these demons are working overtime in Christian homes. Don’t picture people that don’t know God, I’m talking about abc what I was shown is happening in homes where people go to church about every Sunday.
I believe God wants to sound the alarm to parents who are allowing their kids to spend hours and hours playing video games: you are opening them up to the spirit of perversion and suicide like never before. I saw depression trying to overtake this generation and it’s directly connected to engaging in entertainment.
I believe God wants to sound the alarm on a generation of video game users who are suffering from extended adolescence. The average age of a video game user is 35 years old. Satan is stealing the eyes of a generation through the video game industry and baptizing them in pornography and lust. It’s time to grow up and learn how to hold down a job, father our kids, and serve Jesus Christ with all that we have.
Call me crazy or legalistic but I’m telling you what I saw in this prophetic dream has shaken me to the core. It’s time to break video game addiction and perversion in Jesus Name and it starts in the house of God. May the fear of the Lord be released upon homes and families in this hour. The need has never been greater!