Marty Breeden
Saturday October 7, 2017
Dream: “THIS IS WAR!”(October 7, 2017)
Last night I had a dream where I saw WAR!
Even though I saw “mass casualties” I could tell that this was no ordinary war.
The scene of this dream seemed to truly be “Other dimensional”.
I saw the wounded, the infirmed, the weak, the lame, even those who were still in the fight yet trying to protect others still.
I recognized some of these people as “First responders “. Being in Law Enforcement myself, I realized that there are also “First responders” in the Spirit as well.
As I saw the fight ensue, there was weaponry I had never seen before. The attacks would come from land sea and air. (I think this is being felt today by many and seemingly out of nowhere.)
I saw some who were so wounded they were no longer in the Battle.
They had been hurt so bad, that not only were they out of the fight themselves, but they were also bitter with those who WERE still in the fight!
Even as I would enter some of these rooms to visit, I would see these soldiers angry and mad and they would throw anything they could get their hands on at those who were trying to serve them (I believe this to be the current state of many in the body of Christ!)
I saw that even those who were battle hardened being attacked with great fury, these “First responders” would stay in the fight even denying their own personal pain in an attempt to help others.
As the battle intensified I wondered at one point if anyone could possibly SURVIVE!
I would see and exchange and rotation of troops. I saw both good and evil.
I saw certain areas that would be won for a while, and I would see the area “cleansed”.
Then I would see the opposition come yet again to try to retake that which they had lost.
It was as if there was no break in the action, where one group had seemingly conquered an area, reinforcements were sent in to disrupt to make certain that area was still being fought for by constant pressure being applied. (This is why the Bible tells us we “wrestle” with our enemy because it’s the one form of combat where you NEVER take your hands off of your opponent!)
There was palatable sense that we were to stay engaged in this struggle because we KNEW that at some point very soon our “Commander” was going to arrive on the scene and all armies would would bow at the sight of him!
Personally, I could feel my own flesh failing. As I begin to get weakened I recall the falling back to the hope that was within my heart that regardless of the current state I was in, that I was going to eventually experience ETERNAL victory and that for such a time as this I was the called of God to fight.
I remember distinctly having this sense that I was not responsible for the outcome, but I was responsible for that which I was given by my “Commander” to hold until He came!