Translated from Spanish
Andrea de Yeshua
Last night from September 12 to September 13 I dreamed about the Rapture.
I was in a Gym and suddenly I looked outside and many people looked at the sky and some fainted. The sky was a Great Scarlet Dragon, did not do anything but it looked fixed, static, we could all see it. Before this I leave the Gym and I run, crossed the streets and came to a Great Elegant Salon where President Donald J. Trump was. He greets me (we’ve talked to each other in other dreams) and he was also watching the image of the Scarlet Dragon on television. I approach and I say to the ear: Mr. President, this is the sign of the Rapture, is about to happen. I tell him that he and his family can be saved, I say: you are more than welcome to board in the Ark, but he says: No, I want to rebuild, I want a future for me and my family! I get angry and tell him he is stubborn, like my husband, and he smiles and says “he is a great man, you should listen more.”
And then I woke up!
Original below
Anoche del 12 al 13 de Septiembre soñe con el Rapto.
Yo estaba en un Gimnasio y de repente mire afuera y mucha gente miraba al cielo y algunos desmayaban. El el cielo se venia un Gran Dragón Escarlata, no hacia nada pero se veia fijo, estático, todos lo podíamos ver. Ante esto dejo el Gym y voy corriendo, cruzo las calles y llego a un Gran Salon Elegante donde se encontraba el Presidente Donald J. Trump. Me saluda ( ya nos hemos hablado en otros sueños) y el estaba también mirando por televisión la imagen del Dragón Escarlata. Me acerco y le digo al oido : Mr. President, this is the sign of the Rapture, is about to happen. ( Sr. Presidente, esto es señal del Rapto, esta por ocurrir). Le comento que el y su familia pueden ser salvos, le digo : you are more than welcome to board in the Ark ( Ud es bienvenido a subirse al arca), pero el me dice : No, I want to rebuild, I want a future for me and my family! ( No, yo quiero reconstruir, quiero un futuro para mi y mi familia). Yo me enojo y le comento que es porfiado, igual que mi marido, y el sonríe y me dice “el es un gran hombre, debieras escucharlo mas”.
Y entonces desperté!