Dream: Japan Flooded
October 17, 2020 8:17 AM
Only A Grain Of Sand
October 15, 2020
The dream opened I was in an airport in Japan, my plane had already landed the same day and I was stuck in the terminal, as a tsunami struck the land. Climbing stairs to a higher floor, as the lower floors were under water, I saw people already had opened their luggage and settled down on the floor, like in an ongoing disaster shelter situation. I walked over to an outside wall to look outside, through a high plate-glass window, to a scene that was horrific. Many people were inundated by the flood waters, some drowned and some standing in waist high water.
Interiorly I was given to understand the Japanese government will let the poor and middle class people perish, without help because the NWO wants Japan to cull part of their population. Fade.
Sighting & Message: Square Cloud In The Sky
October 14, 2020
Only A Grain Of Sand
Today I saw while I was driving down the road I am on, through the windshield, a huge Square Cloud. It was 8 – 10 stories high and was perfectly square on all four corners, at the front end of it. Not Possible In Nature! It was traveling south. I looked to see if there was something above, that it was hiding? But it was too high to see anything on top. I was shocked, but just continued driving on my way.
The next day I asked the Lord, what does it mean? The Lord told me it it was hiding a Battalion of Demons, traveling to their destination America. Think, the amphibious troop carriers used to land soldiers on a beach-head!
Recently I have seen huge menacing clouds, of a strange color and texture, covering the sky with monstrous looking male faces, embedded in them. Also for two days earlier this month, a bizarre haze or film covered the sky, with an indeterminate color acting as some kind of screen between the sun and our atmosphere. The evil ones are here, these phenomena are clear indications thereof. Pray for protection of the Blood of Jesus.
These are not visions, but were in reality. I have had some dreams, and get words or messages, but my eyes clearly saw the above. I think we are at the start of strange sightings that will soon be clear to all people. Only those anchored in Jesus Christ, will not be terrified, overcome or simply experience great fear.
Mark Chapter 8, Verses 22 – 25 (NLT)
22 “When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to Jesus, and they begged him to touch the man and heal him. 23 Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. Then, spitting on the man’s eyes, he laid his hands on him and asked, “Can you see anything now?”
24 The man looked around. “Yes,” he said, “I see people, but I can’t see them very clearly. They look like trees walking around.”
25 Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly.”
My children you do not want to really see what is before you. Like the Blind Man said you prefer to see only part of the obvious. Give up your fears and look at the present situation through My Eyes. You must be at Peace and accept that all that is not Love, must be cleansed from the earth.
In the coming days you will have to guard your eyes to stay in your Peace and not be distracted, polluted, terrorized or tempted to fall into sin. For satan knows you well and will try to separate you from Me, and or have you fall into the sins of your youth, or your weaknesses that he is well aware of. Your eyes will see the fallen ones but know that I AM will protect My own from harm.
Note: Read Psalm 91 Every Day!
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Note by Charlotte 10/17/2020 @ 2:15 PM: