Michael Harman
Date sometime in the late 1960’s perhaps 1966. The dream was in my home 316 E. mason Ave. in Alexandria Virginia. I now live only 7 miles from the California border in North Valleys of Reno Nevada.
I had a vivid dream where I was standing near the what I believe was the Golden Gate Bridge in California this was pitch dark at night. I sensed it was late at night near midnight. I saw the center span of the what I believe is the Golden Gate Bridge break off and collapse and fall into the water, I noticed cars going off the bridge and crashing into the shallow waters, ending up with their rear end sticking up out of the water, headlights were still on and people were heard to be herd crying out for help, I actually heard the cry’s for help in this dream.
I want to note that I have had vivid dreams in the past that had unfolded exactly as I dreamed them including every fine detail, some times weeks in advance of the actual incident. So I have had dreams come true in this fashion.
Michael Harman
Reno Nevada
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