Dream: 9/11 Was Really the Occult “IXXI”
1/2/25 3:59 PM
Lloyd Immanuel Acree
Context: right before this dream I was having a lengthy conversation with a friend about how the Afghanistan war was a scam. Then I went to sleep and during the night I had this dream.
First I was attending a political conference with major countries around the world meeting at a runway and large building of some kind. As we left the runway and we’re trickling past the entrance into the event I (as president of the USA in the dream) found myself walking next to a political royal family member from Britain. He was polite and cordial with me. I said “I have a (some kind of British background in my family). His reply was odd. Although he was cheery and glad to do his job, he also said “Oh I am Dutch.” I was rather shocked at how abrupt and strange a comment that was, coming from the British royals. What?
The next part of the dream might not even be considered the same dream. This was about the war and 9/11.
This dream began with me looking at the label “9/11”. I converted it to roman numerals and began adding another layer as well that I don’t fully understand and cannot replicate in waking life. The pattern emerged something like this:
Followed as,
<_ I X X I _>
\/{ }\/
Although I simply can’t accurately portray any of the details on the second rendition. So this illustration is not what the dream showed. It may have been a play on the number 2001.
I somehow input this numeral set into a search engine online. The image search found a photo that exactly matched the frame of “IXXI” (plus etc). This result happened to be a photo of an archaic American city monument somewhere on the east coast (some place like Richmond or Atlanta or Washington DC or Philadelphia). The location pictured had been built some time in the 1800s apparently. It was about the size of a small city park.
I found myself somewhat inside the city now, but tracking along the park, trying to get a better view, much like riding on a city bus. I kept looking at the details of the monument for clues as to what the deeper meaning could be as I knew that there was something hidden and esoteric.
At first what I saw was the obvious themes: the military, the historic statues, the battle scenes, and the plaques telling the stories. There were several sections to the monument and it may have covered several wars and periods of history. None of these details were obviously esoteric at first.
However as I traveled around the monument, I could see that some of it was rising to an apex at the center where some of it converged into a cone-like tower. It must have been about 50 feet at a minimum, maybe 80 feet tall. At this convergence there was a crepuscular array of light rays coming down from what was obviously a religious enlightenment source and may have been the all-seeing eye of freemasonry. It clashed with the war and history themes as it was obviously not about historical facts but was very clearly symbolic of a spiritual worldview. There were some other symbols and things moving in these heavens that were not Christian. I also saw the two pillars of masonry illustrated in this display.
At the end of this dream I found myself in a back corner under the apex tower structure on the monument. I prayed that the Lord would allow me to get onto a task for the church and the gospel, rather than to be stuck with the study of freemasonry.
End of dream.
The dream is simply a comment from the Lord as if to finish or even correct what I was telling my guest about the war in Afghanistan being “a scam to make billions of dollars on opium.” Correction: the war was a fulfillment of IXXI esoteric rituals that were centripetally focused on the event of 9/11. The masonic agenda dates back hundreds of years: preplanned organized chaos and destruction in order to facilitate an occult religious and political destiny of the freemason global agenda, the New World Order.
Also, the British royal being entirely Dutch speaks to the fact that in the New World Order there are no more national loyalties or symmetry in royal families: everything and everyone are destabilized and disconnected from their national origins to simply, purely, and unreservedly serve only the globalist corporate occult empire.
9/11 illustrates a masonic image: the ruler and compass between the two pillars. I learned this only from my dream.
Lloyd Immanuel Acree
Jan 2 2025
Photos courtesy Depositphotos