Draw Near To Me and I Will Draw Near To You
January 12, 2022
Justin Adkinson
January 10, 2022
“And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and take up his cross DAILY, and FOLLOW ME.” Luke 9:23 KJV
“DRAW NIGH TO GOD, AND HE WILL DRAW NIGH TO YOU. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and PURIFY YOUR HEARTS, ye double minded. HUMBLE YOURSELVES in the sight of the Lord, and HE SHALL LIFT YOU UP.” James 4:8, 10 KJV
We desperately need to be in our quiet place DAILY with Jesus. This can be wherever we want or wherever we can separate ourselves from others, and just be with him. Do we do this? Why not in your car or truck by ourselves? Why not at the kitchen table alone with Jesus? Why not on your sofa alone with him? Are we afraid that he might talk to us and tell us what we are doing wrong? Do not be afraid of God who loves you. He chastises and corrects those he loves. He does this in love, and he will heal us if we run to him when we sin or are hurt. But only IF we give him our time. He sees what we give our time to everyday. He is a jealous God. He will say to some on that day when the trumpet sounds, “Depart from me for I never knew you”. We should desire to know him more each and everyday so he can know us intimately. This should be our first thought as we wake up. Where should I spend my time with Jesus today? Talk to him about everything going on in your life and ask him to speak to you. He will speak to your heart. He will speak to you when you open up his word. That’s how I hear him so clearly. He speaks to my heart. Sometimes it’s very clear and precise. Other times I have to read the scriptures he brings me to read over and again. Then if I still don’t understand how the scriptures relate to what I just got done talking to him about, I stop and ask him for clarity. The Holy Spirit gives me this wisdom and understanding because I ask. Sometimes he wants me to warn the sleeping church so that they too can be ready for that trumpet of God when it sounds.
When we draw near to him, HE will draw near to us. This is the same as when I run to my quiet place and cry out to him for peace and comfort on hard days. He is right there. He is always there. No matter where you are you can stop and cry out to him. I ask for his peace to cover me, and as soon as the words leave my mouth I feel an overwhelming warmth covering me, and instantly I have peace that passes all of my understanding.
The word of God is truth. Yet not many read it for themselves. Not many have time for Jesus every single day. Most professing Christians give him less than an hour a week and it’s usually while they are in a building that teaches false doctrines of devils and man’s doctrine not God’s truth. There truly is a famine in the land in these final days. It’s a famine of God’s word. That’s why we can see the church living in fear just like the rest of the world. It’s because they don’t know the word of God. They don’t teach the truth, but instead have allowed culture to change the word of God to be more relevant to fit in.
This is what I mean when I say they don’t teach God’s truth. Read this psalm and see how exactly it pertains to what is going on right now in the world and how we as the bride of Christ SHOULD NOT LIVE IN FEAR like the rest of the world. If we live in fear then we do not have the love of Christ in us. Read God’s word and gain wisdom and understanding from it. But then be a DOER OF GOD’S WORD and not just a hearer.
Here is half the psalm. Read the rest of it and pray for wisdom to understand that this is a PROMISE from God that we can stand on. So STOP LIVING IN FEAR like the world that doesn’t know Jesus!
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
SURELY HE SHALL DELIVER(save you) THEE from the snare of the fowler, and FROM THE NOISOME PESTILENCE.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
THOU SHALT NOT BE AFRAID for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
NOR FOR THE PESTILENCE THAT WALKETH IN DARKNESS; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Psalm 91:1-10 KJV
God’s righteous judgment upon this wicked world is coming and is already here! He is going to send fire upon this world just as his word tells us, and nothing will be left that is not his. Are you his? Or, are you the same as the wicked world and living in fear not trusting in God’s word? Where is the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of God’s word in you? Most only have a form of godliness, but they lack the power thereof just as God’s word says. Lovers of self more than lovers of God. Those that love this world DO NOT HAVE Jesus in them. The love of the Father is Jesus. For God so LOVED the world that He sent his only begotten Son into this world to save this world. It’s sad because most of the world does not believe the truth, that Jesus is the only way into heaven, and to receive eternal life. If you do believe these things, then why do so many professing christians live for the pleasures of this world? Why do so many look forward to vacations, traveling, family trips, family gatherings, sporting events, concerts, new cars, new jobs, money, new homes, tv shows, movies, new technology, and many other “things”, but NOT the return of Jesus for his bride?
Sudden destruction is coming! The warnings have been going out to the church first, but they have mostly ignored them. The apostate church is in this final generation and that’s why the love of many has waxed cold. They only want someone to tickle their ears and tell them that normal is coming back. The antichrist agenda is being setup right in front of our faces. Everyone is being CONDITIONED to take whatever they tell you to take, in order to save this life you love more than being close to Jesus. If you save this life you will lose it just as God’s word says. The mark of the beast technology is here and is ready to be implemented. But as the Holy Spirit filled bride of Christ is restraining the antichrist from being released upon this world, we will see more persecution for standing boldly in Jesus name. The bride of Christ has the boldness of God living inside them because they are filled with they Holy Spirit’s power.
Jesus is coming! No one is promised tomorrow, so why are you living each day as if you are? Stop following the lusts of your flesh and start following Jesus Christ. He will take care of you. He will protect you. Stop fearing sickness! Jesus conquered the world and he knows exactly when your last breath will be. Trust in him with all your heart and he will make your path straight. Put him first and the kingdom of God, and watch what blessings come from it. Share the truth and hope you have in Jesus Christ, because this world has no hope. This is the end of the church age of grace.
-Justin Adkinson
A Watchman until I am called home
Original Article Can Be Found Here