
Don’t you know I can? – Brian

Don’t you know I can?

December 27, 2023 5:29 PM

A precious love letter from God Amen.

Write it for me my love my gentle Little Lamb,
a great outpouring my beloveds is coming upon your lives right now a portion of my spirit for all who is willing to receive it I have died for the that you may receive grace. Receive it. It’s a free gift a worthy acceptable offering of mine hand saith the Son the one who heals man of the deepest parts of the heart in man, by the warmth of my love I cleanse. Is there anything too hard for my hand saith the Son the one who heals the hearts of man I think men’s Hearts limit me. O narrow-minded men, why do your hearts always limit me ?
Don’t you know I can? I will come ultimately save you? I love you repent to me why stays trotting and cast down abide with me and I will see you my complexion will fill you come abide in my free love your loving and compassionate Heart of Yeshua don’t second guess it my beloved.

From Brian


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