Donald Trump will be reelected
Nov 13, 2019, 4:59 PM
Servant of God
Donald Trump will be reelected. He will be president for another term for another three years. There will never again be another democratic president. (Sometime in the third year) Donald Trump will be assassinated by people who hate him then Obama will come back into power and he will breathe fire for he is the dragon who gives the beast his power. The Pope is the false prophet.
End of prophecy
Some time in September 2019
For the past couple years God has been telling me directly that Donald Trump will burn with America and that Donald Trump will be like the captain or master of the ship that goes down with the ship. I thought it would be before this term was up but this means in my understanding that we have three years until the COMPLETE destruction of America by some kind of fire after all of her judgments. He has told me that America is Mystery Babylon.
I have brought you up into this place alone with me to tell you that Bryghton, Harrison, Noel and your dad need you to be strong now, for all the things coming upon the world. Do not be afraid, do not cry out for Me because I AM already here. Do not shed a single tear, do not entertain a single fear for I have overcome and will intercede for you. I will pray for the Holy Spirit to give you strength, to cast away your fears and to take them all away. Just be strong and I will do the rest. I WILL DO THE REST OKAY?! (He did not say this meanly, just like take this seriously you know I needed to hear it that way)
Speak to the Nations on My behalf after that glorious day (the rapture) I will send you back here to do all that I have planned out for you to do in Me. You will surely do all that We have planned My Dylan. The road before you is not an easy one and it has not been easy thus far. Please do not be afraid when you see all that is coming, all that is before you for I have cut out a way for you, a path through the pain and darkness, if you go that way you will avoid much pain and hardship. A path through My grace, My astounding love, a path through trust. Great trust in Me, it takes practice Dylan, I have given you much endurance. I have given you more than most of those around you, that is why they will need you. They will look to you in these days up ahead. NOW! When I say now I mean now Dylan. My now is your now. Put the past behind you and press forward in the race. Do not give up. Do not give in. We planned all this pain all this suffering is for MY GLORY. Your kids will reap much reward for all their sorrows and I will take them soon so so soon, Dylan you have no idea how short the time that is left My child. Please do not be afraid. All that I have told you will surely come to pass just as I have said it would through you. My Dylan I see no flaws in you, what can be fixed, changed, made new for your good not just mine. My love for you is greater than you could ever possibly know or begin to imagine. Dylan feel this love now and at all times. I will be with you till the end of the age, and always in the one to come. Do not be afraid for I am with you do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Given November 11 2019
This is a personal prophecy that God wanted me to share to help prepare the saints for what is coming and to also give you the timing of everything.
God also wanted me to clarify the part about the children being saved soon. God told me that the children would be taken to be with Him early. Watch Tim Fosters videos on Youtube because God told me he was right about that.