
Dominoes on a Chessboard – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Dominoes on a Chessboard

12/13/24 2:24 AM


I see dominoes on a chessboard with chess pieces in various locations surrounded by the dominoes that will now fall. I now see multiplatform levels one on top of another. The dominoes that are ready to be initiated and will topple the chess pieces. I believe the levels are different locations on the Earth with different timers that go off that starts the next cascade of dominoes. All is set in motion with a touch of a finger (I see a button). Nothing survives the dominoes fall. Chess pieces (being various groups of people in certain areas) are totally consumed by the toppled squares (rectangles).

Outcry, sadness, turmoil become one’s daily staple. Each proof of the dominoes disappears, so that anyone can be blamed. Civil unrest, distrust, calamity becomes the new chess pieces. Silence.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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