Do you love me more than these?
January 14, 2024, 7:55 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Psalms 34:1-10, psalm 34:18, John 21:15-18, Mark 8:34-38, Matthew 18:1-5, Matthew 10:32-39
N.T: Please read the scriptures before reading this word. It won’t be good for me to receive a message from Christ through the holy spirit without ever confirming and studying the word of God. Please, thank you 😊
Words of the lord Jesus Christ
Children, if I were to require your life today, would you give it to me. If I were to require your possessions today, would you hand it over to me? Would you sacrifice everything you have to me? Am I not the rewarder of those who diligently serve me?
Children, do you love me more than these? Do you love me more than your job, your cars, your favourite TV shows, your anime, your career, your spouses, your loved ones, your friends, your companions, your possessions and even your lives? Will you be faithful to me even unto death? Search your hearts now.
I love you all, I died for you all, my sacrifices must not be in vain. You are my treasured ones, my sheeps who hear my voice. Completely purge yourselves of this world and everything in it, and I will give you rest. I will grant you salvation.
My children, do you idolize your prophets, pastors, Watchmen and evangelists you see in social media. Do not idolize them, for they are only doing and toiling in the vineyard of my father. Nothing more, nothing less. Do not set your hearts unto them, lest you sin in your mind and in your thoughts. Do not form parasocial relationships from my workers. This is a tactic of the enemy to distract you from me. Tell me this, my workers are toiling in the field working day and night diligently for my father, do you think that they would care about your wellbeing if they themselves do not know you. Nay, nay I say. Unless I sent them to you, they would not consider your existence. So why my children do you spend time watching and listening for hours upon hours to their messages if everything they said was already in my words? I even opened the hidden scrolls and the hidden books for you to let you know the timeline you are in and for you to receive wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment. I have made it easy for my own to navigate the endtimes. Yes my prophets and watchmen are doing my father work and they also need support from time to time. Support them with what you have, but do not let them be the centre of your mind. Let me be the centre of your very being and existence. I am love, I am it’s embodiment. And I love when my children love me as well as their brothers and sisters.
My son, my vessel. You must be wondering why there are so many female workers in the vineyard rather than the male. It’s simple. Not all male of the world’s population knows me intimately due to the worries and troubles of the world. Many who do know me are so preoccupied with the world affairs that they do not see the alligator in the pit. This is why I must break and destroy the world systems so that many who were made in my image will come to me. Man ought always to pray and not faint.
My children, many of you will have to forgo the things of this world so that you will have the opportunity to get to know me better. Satan traps that he has set for you all will be destroyed. However, it all depends on you. Many of your electronic toys will be rendered useless as they are distracting you from me. Many do not read their Bibles anymore because they are busy spending time on many false prophets channels. Even my own true prophet can be distracting if care isn’t taken. Many of my true prophets are telling their subscribers to keep watch and study my words. But these words have turned deaf ears. I will bring an end to technology as a whole so that many of my people can be free of it’s clutches and read my words.
Get to know me through time, take your time to study my words. Have faith and trust the process. Remember my children, life is not a race, but it’s a marathon. It takes time to build resilience and absolute faith. Ask for my spirit to fill you to overflowing. Lastly, cast every imagination down. Call unto me and I will answer you. I will help you, teach you and guide you. I am your deliverer.
Your king Yahusha, Jesus.
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