Suit Up for Battle
May 16, 2024 3:07 PM
We get ready now, to suit up our armor. The past is just that, it does not reflect the future. Our suit of armor will protect us as we go into battle (Ephesians 6). We are ready to carry out, what was foretold long ago.
There is no condemnation for those not ready for battle, but hope of change of direction, to find their true source.
I Am will make the path straight if you would only look for it. I Am will be there at your side as you change your direction. The lost will be found, the brokenhearted will be healed (mentally), and the sick will be made whole. There is nothing that I cannot do. Be ready for miracles, wonders not seen before, and my presence fully upon the Earth with my chosen few. I Am God of all and will make the narrow path straight.
Each vessel of mine will be responsible for leading and guiding those who are in need. They will be dispatched to those who need direction, understanding, and those who need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. All that are mine will be found. I will not leave even one, for you are my instruments of salvation for the lost.
All that you have learned will be implemented. You will be the shining stars that implement my will. Nothing will be too hard or difficult while you represent me and my will.
After we accomplish all set out at the beginning of time, there is a great wedding feast that will be enjoyed by all.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos