
DNA Restoration – Cryptic1 kjpargeter

DNA Restoration

July 21, 2021 8:13 PM

On 7.17.21 I was on this site ‘’ searching for a prayer to combat the effects of the vaccine so many of my co-workers, church friends and family have already taken. I came across what I found to be a timely prayer by Christian Robert titled ‘Pray for DNA Restoration!’ 6.28.20. Excerpt follows.

‘“Father God, I come before you today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, to intercede for my loved ones, and I ask you, in the name of Jesus, to draw him/her unto salvation. Only you know this, oh Lord, but if he/she now has a FALSE DNA I also ask you in the name of Jesus Christ, for a miraculous DNA restoration, so that he/she has the DNA you created for him/her, and so that he/she is able to feel your presence and discern the awesome comfort, peace and love that comes from the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You said that if we ask for anything in the name of Jesus, and “anything” includes even DNA restorations, that it will be done, and I stand in the gap in faith believing for his/her salvation and if needed the miracle of DNA restoration. To you be all the glory, power and majesty forevermore. Thank you Lord!!!

‘I am sharing this with all of my brothers and sisters in Christ because it is possible that you too have been praying for friends, loved ones or others that have backslidden on such a time as this, and you have been wondering why your prayers have not changed much yet. Could it be that you are praying also for someone who now has a FALSE DNA?

Apparently something happened to the DNA that severed the communication and intimate relationship this person had with the Lord. Only the Lord knows what exactly caused this DNA alteration. I know this person believes in big pharma and likes to faithfully take the flu shots each year. I am not saying that is the root of this DNA alteration, but it is something this person has always done.

The people you are praying for may not have FALSE DNA’s like this person I am praying for, but it certainly does not hurt to ask the Lord for that miracle in the name of Jesus just in case someone on your prayer list does have a FALSE DNA. Everyone on our prayer list should have the DNA God created:

KVJ Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”’

I was then led the following day to a podcast by Dr Michael and Mary Lou Lake titled ‘KIB 312 – Bringing Kingdom Dynamics Back into Focus’ 6.8.21 under the ‘’ site. As I listened to the podcast I heard the words ‘DNA restoration’. My ears perked up. Was the Holy Spirit affirming that despite all odds – we should in fact be praying for our loved ones whose DNA has been altered due to the vaccine or by some other means? Excerpt follows.

‘(Mary Lake) This is years ago God was talking to me about DNA and how to pray that everything could be restored to original level. If things are done and nobody knows about it surely people can see that God’s mercy is there and that He has a way to restore. I don’t want people to get so upset about this DNA thing that it makes you lose your faith and think well this is the end there’s nothing that can be done, yeah there is.

(Dr Michael Lake) I think there’s one scripture that I think about as we talk about this thing. The apostle Paul said ‘May God sanctify you holy – spirit, soul and body’ and to me that speaks volumes because it helps us to know we do not have the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind that God’s sanctifying or setting apart for our minds and for our bodies. He’s able to maintain and to outdo what the enemy did. Can you imagine that at the time of Noah that just about everyone had not only corrupted their minds but had corrupted their DNA – yet in the midst of all that and all the different things that they were doing God gave an anointing for Noah not only to walk with Him but to maintain true human DNA. And if God could do it for Noah He could do it for us today.’

The many words given to the prophets point to the taking of the vaccine as a precursor to the Mark of the Beast and an act against Almighty God. I believe that while taking the vaccine will alter your DNA I also believe true repentance and turning to God and Jesus is the only way to restore what once was lost. So many have been deceived into taking this – may these souls awaken to the truth of the hour and the time we are in! May they fall upon God’s unfathomable mercy while it is there to be had!

Scripture Reference:

1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Mary Lake) The DNA, the RNA those things can be altered by things that they’re doing – even the vaccine.
(Dr Michael Lake) There’s one particular part of the genome that they literally call the luciferian gene that they have been trying to figure out ways of not only turning them on but increasing their number within the DNA. Even before we understood what DNA was I think because of Genesis 6 that the elite – they knew all about it and how that you could much of it by habit, by practice, by ritual, that it could be altered.


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