Destruction Looms On the Horizon
Sep 3, 2019, 8:21 PM
Daughter, tell My people of the destruction and devastation coming upon the Earth. Few are prepared for what lies ahead as in the devastation that has come to pass over the Eastern part of the United States of America. (I felt like the Lord was speaking about the effects of hurricane Dorian) Warnings have been given, for I do nothing unless I alert My prophets first.
Many lives will have been lost in this disaster, many lives wasted needlessly. If My people would raise up their hearts and voices in prayer, much of the destruction could be mitigated by My hand.
I alone decide who lives and who dies. But I hear when My children cry out to me in prayer and supplication, on their knees in the quietness of the hour. (I asked the Lord what that meant) It means when it is just My children spending prayer time with me. I relish the hour when My children seek me out. I wait for them to approach me with their requests in much the same way a parent looks forward to a child running into their arms.
My children, while the Judgments cannot be turned back, in My mercy I will heed your prayer requests. My children, do not underestimate the power the prayers of the Saints have to intercede in the situation. I have placed a high value on the heartfelt prayers of My children and have been waiting for many of them to go on bended knee, prostrate before me with their requests. For it is not My desire that any should perish, but the cup of My wrath is spent and the blood on the Earth cries out for Justice.
The Saints have the authority to stand against the coming Judgments, to intercede in prayer to bring down My hand ever so slightly so that the destruction is not entirely severe.
I have held back My wrath upon the Earth, but can hold back no longer for justice must be meted out now. I love My people, but must show them that the world cannot continue its’ wicked ways. The stench of sin has reached the highest heavens and I can no longer turn a blind eye to this putrid, evil infestation which has overtaken the Earth.
As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be upon the Earth in the End Times. There was much evil in those days, abomination upon abomination. Had I not destroyed all the inhabitants of the earth save Noah and his own, many of My children would not be here today.
Evil has overtaken this planet to such a degree that it grieves Me to lift My hand against it. But it is My Will also that many turn to Me during those dark days, before the destruction comes.
Child, tell My people. Tell them the hard times are coming! In one day all the modern comforts of your world will be gone and then despair will set in. The world has not borne witness to the kind of destruction it will be dealing with. I lift up My Saints to lead these lost souls into My Kingdom of Light as many will come to accept Me and My Son Yeshua then.
Tell My people, child. Tell all you can about Me and how much I love them, in spite of what they will have to endure for My Names’ sake! Much destruction, much devastation comes! RISE UP, O SAINTS OF GOD! Daughter, prophesy to the dry bones as did My servant Ezekiel, to WAKE UP! I call out to My sleepy Bride to WAKE UP and take your position in the battle, for the lines are drawn and the hour is near!
WAKE UP O SLEEPY CHURCH for there is much work to be done! I call forth My chosen ones to rise up and step out in pure faith for now is the hour that the Saints of old have been speaking of!
I will be with you always until the end of time
Tell them I am coming very, very soon! Be ready, church!
Your Savior and Risen Lord
Yeshua HaMashiach
(Message received 9.2.19)
Scripture References:
1 Chronicles 5:20 “And they were helped against them, and the Hagarites were delivered into their hand, and all that were with them: for they cried to God in the battle, and he was entreated of them; because they put their trust in him.”
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