Destruction! Destruction! Destruction!
November 25, 2020 10:47 PM
Lynne Johnson
I have been given another word of warning from our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua, early this morning. For all who have not made a decision yet to follow Yeshua, please seek Him now while you still can. We are entering into a very difficult time and it is going to be very hard, if not impossible to stand against the evil that is coming without a relationship with Him. Please call out to Him, He is waiting for you with open arms.
Word received November 25th, 2020 at 2:58 am
My daughter write these words:
I will send swords upon your land.
War to divide your land. Destruction, pain, anguish!
You will not Listen!
You will not hear!
I AM has had enough of sin!You do not repent of your evil ways.
You do not care for your brothers and sisters.
No mercy is shown to others.
You will go down to the depths of sorrow.
Destruction! Destruction! Destruction!
It is coming soon. Get ready for war!
Your King Yeshua, Redeemer, Messiah
Scriptures given:
Psalm 55:11 NKJV
“Destruction is in its midst;
Oppression and deceit do not depart from its streets.”
Micah 2:1 NKJV
“Woe to those who devise iniquity, And work out evil on their beds!
At morning light they practice it, Because it is in the power of their hand.”
Job 36:12 NKJV
“But if they do not obey, They shall perish by the sword,
And they shall die without knowledge.”
Job 36:19 NKJV
“Will your riches, or all the mighty forces keep you from distress?”
Job 35:12 NKJV
“There they cry out, but He does not answer, Because of the pride of evil men.”