Dream, Vaccine

CV19 Vaxx Confirmation: An Answered Prayer – Cyril


CV19 Vaxx Confirmation: An Answered Prayer

September 18, 2021 6:13 PM

Few months ago, I prayed to our Most High GOD regarding whether or not the cv19 jab was okay to take. I asked God for some revelation to guide my decision. Because my employer has made it mandatory, most of my colleagues at work have already taken the jab. For the remaining few, Oct.12/21 is the deadline to get the jab, or risk unpaid leave of absence from work.

Although I have made a personal decision not to take the jab, regardless of my employer’s requirement, this dream could not have come at a better time. GOD really does look out for his children. All glory, praise, and honour belongs to JESUS CHRIST our saviour. Amen.

The Dream:

I woke up from a dream at 0550 hrs.. Sept.18/21. In this dream, I met a police officer ( i.e. officer 1) by his patrol car. It was dark outside. There was another officer (officer 2) laying side-ways ( Asleep, but facing front of car) on the back seat of the car, with a cover over the body. Officer 1 (Caucasian male) was seating on the passenger seat with the door open and both feet flat on the ground ( outside the car). It seems like he was putting on his uniform. He was anxious when I approached the police car.

My spirit made me aware that he thought I was armed and was going to attack him. Having this knowledge, I placed both my hands up in the air and informed the officer that I was about going to my employer to hand in my work resignation and needed a police escort, incase things became violent. He became calm.

In the next part of the dream, I am walking with male officer 1 across a patchy field. The path was covered with dry brown to almost reddish soil. The grass field was patchy everywhere.

We reached what looked like a police station. While standing, officer 1 began writing a list of what I needed to do when I reach my place of work.

We were surrounded by about seven (7) other police officers ( all caucasians, and there were a few females). I over heard their conversation on how it was sad that a lot of people are leaving their jobs because employers were requesting for mandatory cv19 vaccination. The officers said it was bad, unfair, and unconstitutional for employers to do such a thing to their employees. I heard them mention that employers are calling those who refuse the cv19 vaccine “ antivaxxer”. All the police offers giggled, smiled, and laughed faintly in disbelief.

I then said, “ excuse me officers, sorry to interrupt you all, I also am about leaving my job because I refused the cv19 vaccine” at work. They all said “ no.., no…don’t take it… don’t get the vaccine”. They all repeated it a second time to me. “ no.., no…don’t take it… don’t get the vaccine”.

Then, One of the officer ( Caucasian blonde male. Slightly taller than me), said no.., don’t take it. He also turned his head side -to-side and motioned his index finger (side to side), then placed his rt. thumb downward ( i.e. upside down), all while saying “no, don’t take it”. I replied “ no…, I won’t …I know about it”.

Thank YOU JESUS CHRIST for the much needed confirmation and answered prayer. Amen.

By Cyril

GNB Version:

Job 33:14-15 Although God speaks again and again,no one pays attention to what he says. 15 At night when people are asleep, God speaks in dreams and visions.

Matthew 2:12-13 Then they returned to their country by another road, since God had warned them in a dream not to go back to Herod. 13 After they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, “Herod will be looking for the child in order to kill him. So get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave.”


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