Word: confounded are they. Pray for confusion to be sent into the camp of the enemy. A fiery indignation will fall upon your enemies pray against them. There is power in the prayers of the righteous (James 5:16) Pray the Psalms. Psalms 144, 91,18. Proclaim my victory proclaim my power play the blood to make all things whole pray for the widows for the fatherless and orphans the little children also. To overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). I have enlisted you to be a good soldier for my kingdom (2 Timothy 2:3) prepare for war for the battle Intensifys. But through your prayers and steadfast Faith you will not be shaken.
Pray! Pray! pray! I am coming soon
Jesus Wellbeloved One.
As I Pray For Great Faith February 3, 2021 8:12 AM Brian Ethier Evil plans are in motion, great changes are coming, great changes are coming, Great changes are coming for you and for me; Sound the alarm for the hour is late, the hour is late, The hour is…
A message from JESUS in a time of chaos and confusion! November 19, 2020 Elizabeth Marie latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/ I received this message while praying on November 5th, 2020: "In this great time of chaos, I have rescued for MY SELF a remnant that will pray according to MY will.…
For Every Time We Pray January 1, 2021 1:12 PM Brian Ethier O for the path of prayer, It is a contrite sinner's voice, Who's returning from his ways as Heavenly Messengers in their songs rejoice; As we commune in the Holy Mercy Seat, in the Secret Place, With Father…
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Luke 6:38 NLT
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”