9/16/24 7:14 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
September 16, 2024 10:00 AM
Earlier today as I ran errands, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my Spirit about the power of our words. Now, this is not a prophecy per se, but I really feel strongly that this is to be shared because some of us need reminding – I definitely include myself here.
The power of life and death are in the power of the tongue and those who love it, will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21
Scripture says that the power of life and death is in the tongue.
The POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH, IS IN THE TONGUE! God has given you great authority. Do you ever stop to think about this? He has entrusted you with this tremendous power to speak into your life and those around you.
Are you cursing your neighbors, I am not even talking about bad language but rather are you speaking ill of your neighbor and just saying negative things. This sets the spirit kingdom into action because the scripture is talking about Power. Authority. Influence.
What about your family? When someone won’t cooperate or they don’t do what they promised. How do you choose to respond? Do you pray for them? To you confront them in love and patience? Do you ask them why things didn’t happen the way it should have? Are you forgiving them (even when they don’t ask)e? Are you binding up the demonic influences in their lives that they are submitted to? Do you ask the Lord to guide them and speak to them, rather than nag or murmur and complain?
How do you talk to yourself? Do you speak negative of yourself for your failures? Do you tell yourself that you are incompetent? Unworthy? Or even, speak that you don’t deserve better?
How do you talk to your creator? Do you thank Him for opportunities? Blessings? Wisdom? Insights? Or do you ask Him to “get that other person to do right by you” or just tell Him, all your complaints instead of asking Him what to do next? Are you seeking constructive measures to address the problem or do you focus solely on the problem and give up?
I want to clarify that I am not speaking about the New Age teaching popular in the church that you should “name it and claim it”, that you are little gods, this is witchcraft. It is a corruption of this scripture by manipulating the demonic forces to serve you. What I am talking about is creating a Godly spirit-filled atmosphere surrounding you, which will allow the scriptural promises to manifest in the present.
God desires to be called upon by His faithful. He always desired that man would co-labor, after all, he let Adam name the animals. He could have made an ark the hour before Noah and family set sail but instead he told Noah how to build an ark in very specific ways. No one on earth had ever built one, you couldn’t go on youtube and watch a video. In fact, it had never even rained on earth beforehand. So, Noah saying it was going to rain and flood the world and it sounded crazy to the people around him, who didn’t even know what rain was and what it would be like to drown.
The days ahead are going depend a lot on your attitude. Will you praise God and believe Him for your daily bread? What about your water when the taps are filled with poison?
Faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Noah had faith. Moses had faith that when God told him to do things before Pharoah, that when he did as instructed, they would happen.
You will need that “NOW” faith.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1
It isn’t yesterday faith, it is NOW faith.
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18
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