Attack by Russian Submarine/Ministering to Russian Marines
May 12, 2021 9:49 AM
Sharlene Reimer
Vision #281 May 11/21 Tues am.
I was praising and worshipping the Lord Jesus this am. Time flew by as I was singing song after song. It began with Selah: Revive Us Again and continued with several songs by Kim Walker Smith. Today as I was praying I was pacing in my house as I had so much to pray and war about it was too long on my knees. When I came to proclaim Ps 91, I saw myself at the base of the mountain, surrounded by many other warriors. We encouraged each other as we ascended the mountain. I reached the top, met my eagle and off we went while I was proclaiming the psalm.
I found myself going over ocean and descending below the water. There I saw a submarine. I entered it and began to encourage the marines bustling about in tight quarters. I gave them the reason for my hope. At the end of it, I sang the old Sunday school song- Into My Heart and noticed a few bowed heads. I blessed them. I understood they were not American marines and that Jesus is doing a great work in them.
Back at the white bench area, Jesus confirmed that they were Russian Marines in the sub. I asked if it was situated in the Atlantic Ocean? Jesus replied: “Yes, daughter.” I asked if they were planning to attack the USA? Jesus replied: “Yes, daughter.” Is this immediate? And Jesus replied: “No, daughter, but very soon.”
I asked about Trump and his return. (555 I was hoping for another confirmation) Jesus said: “I have given you all you need regarding Trump. Be patient and trust Me. I am working it out. Continue to pray for him.” He reminded me to tell the people Ps 146:3+5. Thank you, Jesus. J
4Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save.
5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God.
It was lunch time for me now and I asked Jesus an odd question- What are you having for lunch? He brought me to the garden just outside the temple. We were standing by a fruit tree. The fruit was the size of a large peach but had the colouring of a mango and an apple. He picked one and took a bite. I could tell it was juicy as it dripped a bit as Jesus took the bite. ( Bummer that I couldn’t do the same. Lol! Oh well. My time is coming!) I thanked Him for His time and went up the tiered steps that allowed me to enter the temple at the side. I have been here a couple of times before. I made my way to the familiar stairs, went down the steps and greeted my greeter group. I walked over with them to the area where the others had already gathered.
It opened up to see that same submarine I had just seen. My perspective was under the water facing a side view. It fired 2 missiles. One went out of the water and into the air moving to my left and one went like a torpedo under the water also moving to my left.
I asked Jesus if this is an attack on the USA by Russia? He replied: Yes, daughter.” AS Jesus has mentioned in previous visions regarding the invasion of the USA, I understood that it will occur IF USA refuses to repent and return fully to the Lord. Jesus said also that: “As USA divides My inheritance, so too will I divide USA.” I have seen previous visions about the land of USA divided in the middle #4 + #5. Previous visions about Russian invasion #2, #170, #183 and attacks #26 #76 (#143 is attack on Hawaii specifically) several on naval attacks #22, #84& #85, #156, #160, 190. I had a previous vision about a Russian submarine #177,but it is related to Israel.
Remember prayer changes outcomes so pray that revival will come to the USA and they will repent and return to the Lord. Continue to pray for encouragement and protection of President Trump. I agree with heaven that Trump is the true president! Lord God Almighty, please raise up Lazarus! He’s been dead almost 4 months! It’s time. We want to see Your glory. Thank you Lord God, I believe what You can do and will do.
Original article can be found here