Asteroid, China, Dream, Nuclear

Asteroid Shower & Hong Kong Nuclear Missile Dream – Tim Price

Asteroid Shower & Hong Kong Nuclear Missile Dream

July 24, 2020 6:53 AM
Tim Price

In a dream I had on May 15th 2004 that my family, friends and I were in a large stone-paved area at night. We had just made our way down the steps of something which appeared to be a courthouse with large stone pillars. Suddenly we heard a deafening noise from a massive bell. The sound seemed to shake the very ground beneath us and my family started screaming in panic. But I tell them it’s ok because it’ll be another 20 minutes till the asteroids hit. However, 30 seconds after saying that I look up to my right and see a dazzling display of a yellow asteroid shower. Everyone becomes silent in awe of the asteroids which seem to fill and light up the night sky. The asteroids appear as very bright yellow blobs encompassed by a similarly expansive yellow haze. Two or three (best recollection is likely three) asteroids suddenly break away from the rest of the pack. They are the biggest and brightest of the lot, and I watch them shoot down towards the earth.

After that I turn to my right and look towards the horizon to what I instinctively know to be China. Then I say, “Watch this,” and a nuclear missile soars in from the right on a downward path, and hits the ground. When it hits, someone says, “That’s Hong Kong; it’s hit Hong Kong.” I knew the nuclear missile had definitely hit Hong Kong as well. My family, friends and I sleep out in the open that night.

Dream note:

The Hong Kong nuclear missile part seems particularly relevant considering what has recently been going on in China. China is clamping down even further on its authoritarian rule over Hong Kong, and many of the people do not like it. Perhaps they rise up even more and take a stand against China, then maybe China responds with a small nuclear missile. That is one possible interpretation but it could obviously play out in many different ways and be fulfilled years from now.

Regarding the asteriods:

I have had similar dreams of asteroids heading to Earth. Including dreams which seem to indicate that an event like this one (another dream showed two or three yellowy-golden asteroid-like spacecraft head towards the earth) will be the beginning of the return of Nephilim-giants to the world (Matt. 24:37). A dream I had a couple of weeks ago seemed to indicate the same thing. They will come from above. What appears to be asteroids (or ‘a’ asteroid) will instead be Nephilim-giant aircrafts. Another dream I’ve had seems to indicate that they’ll also appear on our own planet, from what looked like somewhere in the Amazon rainforest (i.e some may already be there now, and have been there for many years). I am hoping to do a video on this soon at my youtube channel at:

Another interpretation is that my dream could’ve just been showing normal asteroids. The timing for the event itself is mostly guess work (i.e. “We know in part and we prophesy in part” (1 Cor. 13:9). It’s possible that the 20 seconds could be twenty years, which would take us to 2024. Then again, 20 seconds could’ve been speaking about an indeterminate although not overly-lengthy period, indicating the event will occur sometime during our lifetimes. I believe the 30 seconds simply indicates a short amount of time that again, won’t be as long as we expect but also won’t be immediate (but it has now been 16 years since I had the dream.. so we might be close to the event now). There has been quite a bit of revelation recently to do with a soon-approaching asteroid shower. It does not hurt to stay watchful, prayerful, and ready for what could soon be upon us.

This is not to cause fear. The Bible says that the Lord is our shield, our refuge, and our “very present help in time of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). And there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God:

Romans 8v35-39: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 18v2-3: The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.

Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

If God was with Israel when they encounted the Nephilim in the Old Testament when they conquered the Promised Land (Numbers 13:33), He will mightily appear on our behalf as well. And no asteroid will be able to part us from the love of God; the Lord surrounds us with His love and awesome power. Like me and my family slept after the event in my dream, God’s people will be able to rest assured in Him in the time ahead (Psalm 91:7). But do all you can to make sure you are abiding rightly in Him for the coming time, because the scripture says:

Proverbs 1v32-33: For the waywardness of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them. But whoever listens to me will dwell in safety, secure from the fear of evil.”

A last encouragement is this: if we are in fact in the time “as it was in the days of Noah,” scripture shows that Jesus’ coming must not be too far off! –

Matthew 24:37  As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

God bless you saints, interesting times are coming!


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