Ascending the Holy Mountain of the Lord
January 17, 2021 4:33 AM
VAS Alliance
In Sep 2019, I saw myself climbing the mountain of the Lord. I was getting many demonic attacks at the lower rungs of the mountain in my life and I knew that I need to climb to higher altitude.
It was very hard to climb, furthermore, I was a newbie at climbing. Every step up the rocky, narrow mountain took a lot of effort out of me. The path up the mountain was narrow and winding. I was afraid of slipping so I tread carefully. It was a great distance up. I was also climbing at night in the middle of a snowstorm. I was worried that melted ice would make the stone cliff even more slippery.
I have included a photo to give a sense of how the mountain looked in my vision.
Along the way, from time to time, I would run out of energy. When that happened I rested for a while. In my vision, I saw angels tending to me. Angels held an umbrella over me to block the snowfall. I was gifted with a warm coat from God somewhere along the way. I wasn’t cold at all as the coat was supernaturally warm even in the harshest winter. When I sat down to rest for a moment, I saw angels offer me hot tea and little snacks to replenish my energy a bit.
Psalm 91:11-12, ESV
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up,
lest you strike your foot against a stone.
However the angels could not help me to climb. No one could climb for me. I knew and I was determined that I would ascend this mountain to find God. It was imperative for me to climb up high and quickly, because I was sick and tired of the demonic attacking me, trying to destroy my life for many years. I was determined to find God, find a way to get to God closely and quickly or die along the way, so great was my determination.
Weeks developed into months, but every day I was worshipping God, praying hard, warring in the spiritual. Along the way I discovered a secret about climbing which I want to share with you, because God loves you brothers and sisters in Christ, even though I do not know you.
I realized that the higher you climb, the easier the steps became. I do not know if it was because my legs and muscles got used to the climbing momentum. I also realized a great secret. At ground level where I first started, I had seen many Christians like you and I. There were thousands of demonic birds hovering around the base of the mountain, like a shifting black cloud. These demons were attacking people. Many Christians were mauled and clawed by the sharp claws and beaks of these demonic birds. They were taken out at the lower rungs before they even try to climb any higher. There were many injured Christians at the base, licking their wounds but the longer they stayed there, it worsened the situation, until whatever strength they had initially was depleted by the constant barrage of attacks.
I realized that the number of demonic birds at high altitude lessened. The higher I climb, the lesser demonic birds I saw, until I did not see them at all. I realized that their puny wings were too weak to fly to match our altitude in God.
New Living Translation, Psalm 24:3-4
Who may climb the mountain of the LORD?
Who may stand in his holy place?
Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
who do not worship idols
and never tell lies.
Psalm 121:3, Christian Standard Bible
He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber.
Psalms 18:33, Amplified Bible
He makes my feet like hinds’ feet [able to stand firmly and tread safely on paths of testing and trouble]; He sets me [securely] upon my high places.