
Armor Up! The Battle has begun – Cherrie Archer

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Armor Up! The Battle has begun

January 13, 2024 1:05 PM
Cherrie Archer

6:38am 1-13-24

The dark has fallen, lean only on Me.

The irrational believe themselves to be right at all costs, allowing rage to take the place of compassion and empathy. There is no reasoning with the irrational person.

Use discernment. Violence has come to mans door. Will he entertain this or pray against it? Lives will depend on the decisions made.

If man feels a halt in his spirit to go out, shop, walk, heed the warning. There is a reason you may never become aware of. I know the hearts of man. Avoid those things, places, destinations that I warn of.

Those who listen will be spared. Open My word and read it.

Get My word in your heart This is My Sword. know the scriptures. Repeat the scriptures. This is My Sword I give man.

Man does not go into war ill equipped. He is trained and armed against his enemy.

Too many have believed My word is comprised of stories that have no meaning for today.

This would be as if man was sent into a battle ground with an empty weapon.

Every household that has My word on a shelf has a fully loaded weapon against the enemy.

Pray My Word the enemy must flee from you.

When the Devil came to Jesus to temp Him Jesus answered him, It Is Written. Matthew 4. Read it, know it and understand it.

The Devil knows My word. It Does Not Change. Use My word and know My word.

Armor Up! The Battle has begun.

You have seen the evidence of change. Violence is taking a prominent place in society now.

It will get worse. It will become more random as attacks occur.

Do Not go to places I Am warns against.

Man is living in perilous times.

Pray over food, water and air, all has been poisoned.

The battle against man is in full swing around the world. those of the darkness believe they will be spared.

The Devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Those who follow him will surely die and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. He is a deceiver and he has deceived many.

Come out from among the wicked, repent and I Am will give you rest.


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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