


Feb 16, 2020 8:16 AM
Collins Ouma

This word I received on 16th Feb around 3am when I was woken up to pray by the Holy Spirit while at the mountain :

Hello My son how happy I am for you are honoring the call to go and minister My word to the land and people of Turkana. For long, they have not honoured Me as their God and Lord and the land had rejected but now I am moving and turning over that land.
Every idol and ancestral spirits and powers that was taking My worship and My honour I am subduing by My power.

As you move through the entire land of Turkana My power and My Spirit is moving with you. As you prophetically declare My word upon that land I am moving quickly to perform your word. I gave you the keys of David to lock and unlock. Use it in Turkana.
Go ahead son and unlock the potential of that city and conquer it for Me. Trumple the evil powers and bondage that have held that land in hostage through My mighty power that worketh in you.

As you move from town to town, home to home, village to village My Spirit is moving with you and guiding and directing you. Go speak over the waters of L. Turkana and shut down all the satanic gateways and portals that have opened up the land of Turkana to demons and satanic operators.

Go and annoint and release My Word to the village in Turkana where oil was discovered and speak My purposes.

Break every evil conspiracies and evil agendas by the enemy to misuse and use that area to more bondage.

Release My people in Turkana from bondage of ancestral spirits, idols,spirits of banditry and cattle rustlings

As you move to witness My son, Lord Jesus Christ to the people of Turkana, I am quickening My signs and wonders among them and healing and delivering them from all afflictions and bondages.

As you annoint that land, I am healing the land , restoring it and breaking the curse upon it that it may now receive My blessings of production and rain and they shall glorify My name.

Do not fear. Be bold and courageous as you speak forth My word to them. Every obstacle have been taken out of your way and any power that shall rise in opposition to the work I am calling and sending you forth to achieve in Turkana shall come under My swift judgement.

Raise for Me My Church and My Name in Turkana and establish My Kingdom there for I have desired for long to move and touch that land. As you declare My word so shall it be. As you lock down and pull down kingdoms and principalities so shall they be pulled down and locked down forever.

Move in power and authority to declare My Righteousness and love to the people of Turkana.

Scriptures given:

Joel 2:21-27, Jer 22:29, jer 33:6-9, Jer 1:20,Jer 23: 10, Isaiah 24:5 and Rev 3:7

This personal message i have posted so that you be able to know how to carry spiritual warfare and prayers for that land and those dear people
May God bless as He enables you to intercede in the Holy Ghost.

Shalom,love and peace
Br Collins Ouma
Busia Kenya


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