A “New Earth”
3/16/25 2:33 AM
Life is endless for those of my children that follow me closely. Every bell and whistle will be given to them, when they transition. I give life thru the adherence of my Word. I give a way to rid one’s self of all the pain and suffering they have endured during this life on Earth. A “New Earth” will be installed at the right timing. Its beauty will be beyond all words. Colors you feel; sights you smell; emotions (good) in hyperdrive. Family friends and animals you dearly loved, waiting for your arrival. Instant recognition of all even though their façade in now young and vibrant, no longer confined to their old fleshly body. All activities are now back on the table. Every landscape is a picture taking moment. Music that will vibrate your soul, while you become one with the music. Endless places are there to explore, along with travels thru space. Travel will be accomplished through thought bringing you to where ever you wish.
This life will pass away. It will only be a bleep in time compared to the eternity you will spend with me. Finish the race to spend everlasting life with me. Shed all fleshly sins and commune with me daily.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos