
A New Era is About to Start – LynL

Photos courtesy Pixabay

A New Era is About to Start

1/27/25 10:10 PM


I Am readying myself to do the will of the Father. It is time to continue forward and accomplish my Word. Much will happen in a short period of time. As we move forward, my children will play pivotal roles. I will expect much of the few.

Follow my lead as I guide you and give instructions. You will be my hands and feet and Words as we traverse the lands. You will be protected in all you do.

Time will not be a constraint as we do our work. Moving forward we accomplish what only could have been dreamt about, but now comes to reality. We give vision to the blind, hearing to the deaf, deliverance to those in need, resurrection to the dead, and more.

Ready yourself for the new era that is about to start.


The closer we get the more tension people will feel. Nothing is what they expected; nothing is what they imagined. Life must now line up to new parameters, new vistas. Those following me will understand why and will assimilate easily. For they know my word must come to pass. Others will stumble but will also come to revivals and see the power in my name, making believers of the masses.

My time on Earth to fulfill my Word has arrived. Many will come to me on bended knees. Watch as all plays out.

Photos courtesy Pixabay


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