
A Great Awakening Is Coming – Pastors Mark & Julie Moore

A Great Awakening Is Coming
May 20, 2019
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore

“My people, hear your Heavenly Father this day…for I come to bring you LIFE… the life that comes only from Me! For as I have looked down on the nations & seen the chaos… as I have seen the confusion… as I have seen the rise of immorality across the world, a shout began to rise up in My Spirit… a HOLY cry began to come forth from My inner most heart. For My heart was touched by the lack of “influence” of My people… those who call themselves by My name. And this cry resonated throughout Heaven & Heaven shook with a mighty echo, for the time for My people is now come.

For this I say, to the ones that truly belong to Me…those who have not walked away… those who’s hearts still beat for Me…this is time for you, My living ones…to arise. It is time for you to shake yourselves from the death throws that are grasping many throughout the world. It is time for you to let go of everything that is not of Me & take of ME in this last hour. For have I not said that the hour was coming & now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live? But, truly MANY of My people, who say they have heard My voice, still remain in the land of the dead.

My heart still beats for you, My people… truly I love you all with an everlasting love… it is time that you begin to hear My voice & walk with Me. For this I say, that the time has come for My people to arise to their places… their places in Me. The time for another GREAT AWAKENING has come… there can be no more complacency, no more compromising. must now give yourselves over to seeking Me…you must now give yourselves over to becoming ONE with Me & who I AM. The times for playing “patty cake” with the devil are over… I am calling My people to stand against the opposition.

Arise, all of you who are sleeping & arise from the dead, that I may give you light! For this I say to stir you up, by way of remembrance, that you understand that your time has come. Do not let this time slip away from you…do not let the enemy talk you out of your destiny, in Me. For I need My people to begin to seek Me, as never before. So many are being withheld from coming close unto Me, due to the distractions & situations that they have allowed to steal their time. So many have fallen into this “being” commonplace within their lives…I need My people to shake themselves free, while they still can!

The time for another great awakening has come, but who will hear the call…who will respond to the shout… who will reply to My cry from Heaven? Hear Me, My people… this is YOUR hour… this is YOUR time…this is when YOU have the ability to rise up into what I have called you all to be, so you can do the greater works than I did when I walked the Earth. The time of warfare has come, My people… do not take this time lightly…for in doing so, you will miss out on what I have planned for you & you may shrink back into things that you never thought possible. For your window of opportunity has come, so come unto Me!

I speak of a time frame that you can begin to do exploits… the exploits that I have promised many of you. But, before you can enter into those exploits, you must begin to do exploits within your hearts & lives. My cry has gone out, telling you to drive out the “ites” of Canaan… you must drive them out of your hearts & lives. You must vanquish the 7 things that I do hate, that are an abomination unto Me. This is something that few will recognize as being needful in their lives, because the “ites” have convinced you, that all is well within you & there has been a “winking” within your hearts that you need not change.

But, as My people will truly humble themselves & pray, seek MY Face & turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin & heal their land.  My people hear Me voice… a voice of a stranger they will not follow. My people will take what I just said & apply it deep within their hearts, responding to Me, with obedience & contriteness. My people will not argue within their hearts, saying that this does not apply to them. My people will run hard after Me & shed their hidden pride & shall in return receive My hidden power. For I AM a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me.

Hear Me, My people & respond to My heart of love! For in the days ahead, you will have many opportunities to see Me work within you… you will have many opportunities for Me to show Myself strong in you. I love you, My people… it is My pleasure to give you the Kingdom… that is what this is all about… My Kingdom. I desire to reign within each of you. I desire to set up MY Kingdom where you dwell, in your heart of hearts. This is YOUR time… do not let the evil one deceive you or steal this from you. Come unto Me & allow Me to work in each of you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.



Comment from Pastor Mark:

I cannot adequately express the severity & power of His words to us… all I can say is this time we are entering is very special…it is the time we have been waiting for. But, the thing we really have not seen is the reality of His performance of these things within us & through us. We have failed to see that He can only do it THROUGH us, after He has done it TO us. It is time that we all let go of the things that limit our relationship with Him… it is time that we take our place at His side…seated in Heavenly places in Christ… where Christ is seated at the Right Hand of POWER.

We will never see Him work through us, in a big way, until we allow Him to work in us. We must let go of those things that He says exists within… the things that we refuse to let Him put His “finger” on. It’s time to open up those “secret closets” where we have stored the things we cling to…the things that we allow in our lives & have winked at. It is time for this great awakening to begin! He wants each of us to take our place for this time. There is none He wants left out…He desires us all to take our places. It is up to each of us to respond to His cry…no one can do it for us…we must each reply for ourselves.

Please take His words deeply to heart & allow Him to have His way. As we will take our hands off of who we “are” & allow Him to mold us into who He declares us to BE, we will shine as lights in a dark place & be “fitly joined together” as He truly desires us to be…we will see things change for the better all around us, as great exploits manifesting outwardly, because they have manifested inwardly. It all starts with our yielding to His will…yielding to His wisdom…yielding to His way, instead of clinging to ours.

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore


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