July 3, 2018
I just woke from a dream I was speaking with Putin (yet again).
In the dream, He seemed to be somewhat jovial. Then I spoke and I said to him “I had a dream about you. I saw that you were going to nuke us…and I understand. I understand that God is sending you to do this, as part of judgement for our terrible ways in america. I understand that you have to do this.”
Just then his countenance changed, he said “I have to go now” and became very serious, then he ran down to some command center where they’re firing nukes from, or where he was giving the orders, and I knew it was time.
Dream changed, I was sitting in a car with my daughters. I told my youngest with tears in my eyes and urgency “When the bombs go off honey, don’t be afraid. Walk to Jesus. We have to leave this life behind, do not be afraid and let it overtake you, it will only last a brief moment and then we’ll be with our Father in Heaven.”
Then after that, the Lord spoke to me in my dream. He said “Just as you die a natural death on this earth and have to let go, also let go when this comes. I will be with you, do not be afraid.”
Dream changed, I was standing outside in the twilight, I was staring off into the horizon, and I was waiting for the explosions. They were delayed for one reason or another, but I knew they were coming. I then started screaming into the horizon (not at God though) “Come on! Do it already, get this overwith!! What are you waiting for?!”
Then I woke up….at 9:11 am.