As I was re-reading what I had just written,The Holy SPirit became so strong over me I started to weep, and I saw in front of me, the face taking on the form of Jesus and His eyes were dangerously bright, his mouth firm,t he power of His majesty could I feel……A warrior like none other.His name:::::The Lion of Judah and He Roars:::::::
Then I saw red dripping..the red horse looking off in the direction of the earth, the black horse prancing with the word Death above in and enflamed with fire,The pale horse ,the conqueror (I was given the word conquistador
conquistador THE CONQUEROR
And I am done……Some thing is coming and it is getting shaken in the spiritual realm….More later
God bless
Bette Stevens
Bette Stevens – 05/06/18
It will be at your door…..The blood horse rides dripping blood from its gills….the black horse rides bringing war and welds the sword as its vengeance is great…The pale horse has gone and with it will soon enter into the one of darkness, the one who thinks it is better than Me, that glories in its own juice…..
Please note it is not given a feminine or masculine gender.
It is happening before our very eyes, just what I said…BETRAYAL IS COMING TO THIS VERY NATION
But I,But I the Holy One,welds but one sword, to tear down, to bring fire, to bring justice and so it shall be, that in these days ahead I shall grant Beelzebub ,the one you call satan, the lawlessness his time, as has been written since the foundation of the world.
And after shall you see Me, when all sin has been wiped clean, shall I then bring My people back to the official time as were Adam and Eve and then shall you not only walk with Me in the cool of the day, but you shall reign with Me…….
You must be prepared to WAR as a Warrior,I call my strong men and women to come forth, to lay down all you have ever known to fight in this coming battle, for it will never again be as it formerly was……..
It is soon time to get into place and be a witness, that ALL will be drawn through you, that might believe.
The time of testing is closer than ever,more than you can ever know….The preparations must be evaluated and done very soon. For once the enemy devours, there will be no more time……no more turning back …..
Many of you will be called to your safe zones soon,a few will over see many safe zones…..
The release of the surrounding of Israel begins and O how I weep for they will walk right into a trap and the biggest of all will be your own house and your own nation…..
O how I have warned you to beware,sending the prophets and prophetess and yet to know available…..
Yet know this I am sending a prophet(ess) to Washington DC as a final call and then shall they know that a prophet has been there…..
There will be NO doubt……
So sayeth the Lord