Your King Mocks His Creator
December 14, 2022
Barbara Francis
Your King defies my written word in his signing of sexual sin into law. This likens to a death sentence to the ungodly once blessed nation. He seals his own judgement then celebrates it . I SEE ALL. I NEVER KNEW HIM . HE NEVER KNEW ME. This abomination will not go unpunished. You have read of the judgement of the time of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah. I will spare only the righteous few. I will put an end to this debauchery. Your King mocks his creator. MY WRATH IS GREAT. Judgement comes with FIRE as it is written. Pray you are among the righteous few who will escape.
Original Article Can Be Found Here
President Biden Hosts a Ceremony on the South Lawn to Sign the Respect for Marriage Act
Photos courtesy Depositphotos