Your Final Moments Mankind!
August 1, 2023 8:03 PM
Justin Adkinson
July 24, 2023
Confirmation Scripture (7/25/2023)
1 Peter 4:7 “ But THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND: be ye therefore sober, and WATCH UNTO PRAYER.”
I received a word from the Lord this morning during my quiet time. There have been multiple confirmations regarding these words.
-This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.-
My dear church. You have been found lacking. I am coming and most of those who call me Lord with their lips will be left out of my kingdom. This is because of their heart. I can see your heart when others see your tradition and religion. I can see you putting your trust into this world that Satan is the god of. I can see your heart is in love with this world and you are not ready to rule and reign with me. When the trumpet of God sounds, many of you will hear it and fear will enter your heart. My Spirit will hear the trumpet sound, but the sin in your heart will keep you here to clean your garments so you can enter into my kingdom spotless.
My bride is being sanctified through the reading of my word. My bride is making herself ready by spending time with me daily! I am only coming for the very few who love me more than this world. I see that many are enjoying the pleasures of this world as much as they can instead of coming to me in fully surrender of their heart and asking me what they should be doing in these last moments. My word tells you to separate yourself from this world because this world is not your home. My word tells you to be a doer of my word and not just a hearer only. But I see how most go to churches that tickle their ears so they can continue in their love for this world which is sin. I will not allow sin to enter! My word tells you to remember Lot’s wife. Yet you do not understand why she turned into a pillar of salt. Your heart is far from me and your disobedience is why you will be left behind. Some will perish just as Lot’s wife did for looking back at this world that is not their home.
Be encouraged bride! I see you. I see those who have little strength left. Come to me everyday and I will strengthen you. I will never leave you or forsake you. Continue to pray for your lost and lukewarm loved ones. I am hearing your prayers and soon many will wake up to the time you are in. Keep warning them and sharing what I give you to share. Some may wake up before it’s too late. Others may have to be left behind to know their mistake of loving another more than me. Your prayers WILL BE POURED OUT when you, my bride, are with me in my kingdom. You will have joy unspeakable when you are with me in my kingdom. I will wipe away all your tears for those you know and love who refuse to listen to my Spirit speaking through you. That is why my word says to pray without ceasing. All of your tears are recorded for your family and friends. Keep your heart pure and clean before me, so you can keep praying for them until I call you home.
Many of you, my bride, will see family and friends come back to me, but it will be during the great tribulation. You will be with me in my kingdom while they are woken up from their slumber and the mark is pushed onto the world. This will be when many eyes will be opened to the truth, but only if you continue to pray for their souls.
My angels are ready to come for you my bride. I will take all children with innocent hearts. There will be great chaos when the trumpet sounds and my bride bursts forth out of their graves. Then my remnant few, who have made themselves ready, and are still alive, will be caught up to meet me in the air! My word is true! I am coming my bride! Keep watching for your bridegroom!
This age is about to end! The last moments on earth will be given over to my enemy to rule for a little while. This is allowed to purify my church who refuses to hear my Spirit today.
Continue, watchman, to sound the alarm. Let no blood be on your hands. Warn the lost and lukewarm to wake up, and see how they have been conditioned for the mark. Many will be sent a strong delusion because they hated the truth. This delusion will be sent by my Father just as he did to harden Pharaoh’s heart. Even with all the evidence around him of how God was speaking, he chose to not believe the truth. This is why prayers of my remnant are so important in these last moments! Do not give up! Your prayers are heard and recorded for your loved ones watchmen and my bride.
Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is at hand! I am coming! I am coming! I am coming!
Luke 3:4 “… The voice of one crying in the wilderness, PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD, make his paths straight.”
Many can’t understand my words of warning just as many couldn’t when I walked among men.
Evil will fall suddenly upon those who love this world, because they are spiritually blind, and can’t see the truth. They are deaf to hearing my words of warning from my watchmen sounding the alarm!
Ecclesiastes 9:12 “For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; SO ARE THE SONS OF MEN SNARED IN AN EVIL TIME, WHEN IT FALLETH SUDDENLY UPON THEM.”
Philippians 4:4 “REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAY: and again I say, REJOICE.”
I am anointed and appointed to be a watchman, so I will share when I am given words by the Holy Spirit. Today is the day to choose who you will serve! No one is promised tomorrow! Many, every single day, end up in hell for choosing to serve themselves and not fully surrender to Jesus. His arms are wide open waiting for you. He loves you! That’s why died for you. RUN to him today because you may not have tomorrow!
Justin Adkinson
A watchman until I am called home
Photos courtesy Depositphotos