You will hear a SHOUT
December 25, 2021
Barbara Francis
The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. Each new day is a new beginning . It is written , return to me I will restore you . Love your neighbor as I have loved you . Come to me all who are heavy laden I will give you rest. Pray for your enemies . Keep my commandments so you may have joy and peace. I love you my children , my Kingdom comes . Not in the way man thinks but in the way The Father has ordained since the beginning . The bride is excited when she hears the bridegrooms voice . I am speaking to each one of you now. Soon you will be with me in my Fathers house. You will hear a SHOUT . . The dead in Christ will rise first , then those remaining alive will be caught up in the air to meet me in the clouds . Humble yourselves , repent and return to me that you may be worthy to escape the coming wrath on earth. Today is a new day and a new beginning.
Original Article Can Be Found Here