You think you are free
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Ali Winters
You think you are free, but you are deceived. You think all is well, but you are blinded by the tainted truth that continually spews across the nation and around the world. You think you are free but sin has trapped you in its web squeezing life out of the citizenry of America; and still…you think you are free.
With joyful hearts you looked forward to your ‘Independence Day’ – not realizing you have lost your independence. ‘Now the LORD is The Spirit, and where The Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17’ Trading freedom for vanity fair you follow the masses leading you farther and farther away from independence to servitude. Your independence has driven you far from God. In your quest for ‘freedom’ in arrogance and pride you have chosen self over salvation…you have no fear of God or the future. Without regard for Who I AM or what you have been created to do in My Kingdom you scurry around, darting from one thing to another in search of bigger and better continuing to get less while losing more. ‘JESUS answered saying, “truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave to sin.” John 8:34’
What America has been, she will never be again. Sin separates a people from the goodness of God and separation unchecked, unrestrained, unforgiven leads to destruction. Darkness continues to envelope America. Gloom awaits the unrepentant…For we know Him who said: “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay” and again “The LORD will judge His people.” Hebrews 10:30 America’ eyes are open but the shades have been drawn hiding the sickness and evil lurking behind the drawn shades; America; your days of freedom are drawing to a close. Without God, America will never be great again!
ali at 12:43 PM
Original article can be found here