Destroyer, Economic Collapse, Famine, Protection, Weather, Word

You are reaping what you have sown – Barbara Francis

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

You are reaping what you have sown

July 23, 2022
Barbara Francis

I will shake the heavens and the earth. Your rich men will hide in their caves. I will scorch the earth and dry up the waters and fountains. I will continue to burn the land ,the trees and the crops . Both man and animal will have no food , no green pastures.You are reaping what you have sown.The rich men will now be the poor men and many will take their own lives. Now they will understand how their neighbor and the homeless and the widow have lived. They chose to walk by turn their heads and ignore the needs of the destitute. I will use the wind, fire and water .I will use the sun and the snow and ice. Man stands bewildered. Man can’t see that that the creator is his DESTROYER. My breath is FIRE. I will continue until every evil and perverse thing I see is eradicated. Those who belong to me will be protected ,those who call on me will be saved ,those who are righteous will be removed.

Original Article Can Be Found Here

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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