
You Are Here Being Tested – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

You Are Here Being Tested

1/26/25 1:32 AM


Much of this life is lost doing things that are irrelevant, time wasters, superficial, and just does not make a difference in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Those who transition will find that most of their time on Earth could have been so much more fruitful, and meaningful if they had done more for others.

You have only one life to get it right.  To do the things that will make a difference when you enter Heaven.  Earth is this opportunity.  This Earth is not for self but what can be done for my Kingdom thru others.

You are here being tested, but most have failed miserably.  Self is put in front of others, a great deal of the time.  More of, this and that, becomes the mantra.  Many drown in the shallow water that their flesh produces.  Dry off and start to see your purpose, your true destiny.

This writing made me think of the writing given Called Greed

Greed is Never Having Enough – LynL


The nature of greed is based on never having enough.  You see, enough is never enough.  You can never reach that pinnacle you have set up in your mind for the abundance you expect.

Greed becomes a game of getting more, faster, and faster.  Greed does not acknowledge who you step on to get to your goal.  Your goal, even though shallow, will never be attained.  Your drive is fueled by a sense of lack.  Even though you have more than you can ever use, this is not of any importance.

As you spin your wheels, stepping on those along the way, you amass more and more to put in your warehouses of greed.  As one warehouse becomes two, and two becomes ten, you are still not satisfied.  What you thought would heal that hole of lack, now makes the wound even larger.

It is the love of money, possessions, power that weakens the soul.  It is harder for a rich man to get into Heaven, than a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

Greed and fear are somewhat tied together.  For a greedy person always fears there is not enough.  Our Father in Heaven will always provide for us (those who are close to him).

Whether you are rich or poor, greed can adhere to you.  It is an unattractive, sinful nature that needs to be shed.  The enemy will keep you on this lifelong chase which will lead you to the wrong destination.   Shed yourself of “more” to heal all “sores”.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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