I was at our weekly Saturday evening Prayer and Worship meeting when the LORD spoke these words to me towards the end of our worship time:
“I will speak and you will write. Write for Me, beloved. Today I seek out My true worshippers, for I have many who seek and praise Me in the inner sanctum of their precious hearts–hearts most precious in My sight. These are not many in the sight, or the counting, of the world. But these lift up My Name and exalt Me day and night before My FATHER in Heaven, to the glory of all Heaven. Worship Me, My beloved ones. Worship Me more and more as the days grow darker. You’ve no idea how brightly your light shines and pierces through the darkness. You are made for such a time as this. You were put on this earth to praise and glorify My Name in truth. For is it not truth I have desired in the inmost parts? Let your praise ring! Push forth all the more in praise. Worship Me in spirit and in truth. Worship, My people, worship.”
All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to.
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Luke 6:38 NLT
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”