
Words from the Father and Son – Mike M.

Words from the Father and Son

August 31, 2019
Mike M.

Go ahead and be annoyed with one another. Just make sure to love one another. I was once an earthly brother so I understand.

I shake you now toward one another. I cause you to need one another. I am bringing you together-each to his or her fellowship that will be best suited for you.

I cause you situations to learn unity and long-suffering with one another. For how can you lead if not by example? I have called you; you have answered. Continue to answer when I call. For no man knows what a day may bring forth. For today, do what you can while there is light.

Nothing is more beautiful than brothers living in harmony with one another with no strife. Many of you moan and suffer by this present season of separation and wilderness experience. Have you counted the costs of you the lonely to be set into a family? Things will change. For then you will seek out a quiet place when you have had your fill.

The unity of the body in the expression of assembling yourselves together is my will and my word. And in this you have the responsibility for orderly worship for people to take their respective places of evangelist, teacher, pastor, prophet and apostle. The focus will no longer be just you but the body of Christ as a whole. I create a new church from the present day little stones that the present day apostate church builder rejected. It is time to assemble now as you have passed the test. To him who has and ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. I am no respecter of persons.

I call you out now from the electronic and cyber-ecclesia into the hiways and byways because the internet is corrupt now and full of demons. The time is now for a new season, for this new end times church who I assemble. I have heard your complaints of the present apostasy. I am not overwhelmed and off-kilter by your frustrations, anger and temporary loss of temper when calling out to me. For I know your frame and your journey. Remember the psalms of David, a man of great passion, frustrations, and anger who has gone before you. And surely I was long-suffering with him, knowing his ending from his beginning. So, too, do I know yours. Do you fear shocking me? do you fear overwhelming me? do you fear surprising me? Don’t, for I know you, your thoughts, the testimony of your faith, and the buffeting of your souls and bodies. It is only that you are the created and I am the creator.

Assemble yourselves now. Continue with me as you also seek to challenge your comfort zones of isolation. Remember my seasons. And for the formerly hidden, I still hide you in plain sight from evil men. My arm is not too short. Feel the warmth of my arm as I hold you and protect you form the onslaughts of the enemy. For your purposes will be established and fruitful, as written. So shall your ends be. But remember me. Remember, for the hopeful in Christ I am always a season of new beginnings taking you from glory to glory. So now go. This is your first paragraph of the next chapter for you. Walk it out. Go in faith. Leave your door frames covered. (I have to pray about what he meant here). I will show you great favor as you go. You will find other poor wanderers and your flame will be brighter together than separate. For you will gather souls. And I am in the midst of you.

Provide hospitality unto one another and in so doing please me and entertain angels. Sing together, pray together. see if there is any in need among you to be filled. For when one part suffers, we all suffer. Bear up with one another’s burdens and you will fulfill the law of Christ, which is to love the lord they God with all thy heart, mind, and soul, and to love thy neighbor as yourself.

You want my Kingdom come? My Kingdom starts within you. Share this and band together in your house churches and then in unity go on exploits, adding to your numbers. It is a harvest. First you learn to love and work together then you go out and others will see your love for one another and glorify my Father in heaven, and be added to you.

Original article can be found here


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