
Word of encouragement and comfort – Sietske Sandra Roos

Revealed to me on April 26, 2019, Friday evening, beginning shabbat.

Prior to the message I say Glory glory glory to Yahusha HaMashiach,  Christ the Messiah.
These are the words from the Lord of heaven and earth;
“My children who are known by Me and I AM known by them, have grown in suffering in silence and have met the weaknesses of their flesh deeply. I have used these seasons to draw you closer to Me.
As you notice with everything in you darkness in the world is setting in rapidly as a dense cloud.  DO NOT FEAR for My testimony written in your heart is your guarantee that you will not be left with a faint heart. For I AM The testimony. Long for Me every day for I AM the Revealer of secrets. This is the season to overcome all in Me.” 

Given Scripture:
Proverbs 4:18  The path of the just is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter and brighter unto the completion of the day.
1 Corinthians 2:9   No eye has seen, nor ear heared, nor have entered into the heart of man,  the things that Yahuah (Lord) has prepared for those who love Him.
Glory glory glory to HaMashiach, the Messiah Christ.


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