Word for MY Bride
June 4, 2022 12:09 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel
This was the second word from the LORD on June 3, 2022. This word finished at 11:37 PM.
“Perfect Bride, her who is perfected by My own righteousness, by My own washing of her with My Word of Truth, it is to you alone, that I speak. My darling one, Our time has arrived. Fear not, it is over. The wait is over. Your Bridegroom has come for you! I AM here! Just breathe, and when you exhale I AM beside you. My chosen vessels, all is in readiness. The time of all times, the highlight of time, has come- IS come. Now and forever, I will showcase you, My perfected Bride, My glorious Bride, in the sight of all the world. Heaven and earth will witness this day the culmination of the ages and the culmination of the mystery of My sacrifice, My work on the Cross to take back a people to be My very own special treasure- MY Bride, the Wife of the LAMB. Your new name is My Own~”