By HolySpiritWind:
Sunday May 15 2016
Woe! Woe! Woe ! to you America!
Who has bewitched you and put a spell on you? This country is getting darker and darker and darker now. Do you even notice the evil that your leader is perpetrating behind the scenes? Do you not see that evil is called good and good is indeed called evil? His true identity will now be revealed! Destruction comes when you least expect it, Babylon will be destroyed in one hour!
Choose you this day who you will serve!
There is no political solution to the spiritual problem that you have. No return to greatness will occur , for repentance has not taken place. Have I not given America enough time?
All evil is being revealed as the light of My glory is being revealed.
Do not be deceived! The events that are coming will happen faster and faster and faster and with more intensity until I return and establish My throne in Jerusalem.
Do not allow yourself be lulled back to sleep by the Satanic lullabye. Satan does not come as a big scary monster most times. He comes as your best friend or an angel of light. His aim is to trick and deceive you . He wants you to end up in hell just like himself. He will offer a plan that seems so good that , My very elect could be deceived if it were possible. No one will end up in heaven by accident , but most go to hell that way. The road to hell is wide and paved with good intentions. Most are shocked when arrive there because they think that they are “good”. That is NOT what saves a person! Have I not said in My word that you must be born again of the Spirit? By My blood your sins are washed whiter than snow! You cannot save yourselves , if you will cry out to Me with all of your heart I will hear and answer and you will find Me. It’s not a magical prayer it is from the heart. Only one name is needed, call upon Me the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in , cling to and rely on Me.
Then good works will flow out of you because of your love for Me and others. Anything not done out of love will profit you nothing. Be baptized by My Spirit and you will have power and you will do the works that I have prepared for you to do ,before the foundation of the world.
Call upon My Spirit for strength.
Don’t get comfortable.
Don’t get discouraged .
Keep pressing in through the veil .
Keep on pressing toward the mark.
Keep contending for the faith .
Keep on picking up your cross and die daily to your flesh.
Keep on overcoming the world, because I overcame the world .
Stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are within you.
I come quickly and My rewards are with Me!
HolySpiritWind at 7:25 AM