Woe woe to the scribes and pharisees
September 12, 2020 11:42 AM
Cheryl Matthews
Woe woe to the scribes and pharisees have you not listened to the words of this hour? You should repent for the time of my coming is at hand. The time if my judgement is at hand. Ridicule me all you want I am the one holding the cards in this hour. I am the one delivering my one true church out of the demonic houses of God. I am the one that will hold back no more.
See what I will do in this hour. See what I will destroy in this hour. For recompense is mine saith the Lord. For look no more for my spirit to be in the dwelling places of the unholy. Look no more for my spirit to be in the words of the pharisees. For my word is spirit and truth. It can not be corrupted. For I am the Lord thy God that rules over all the nations. I am one that teareth down nations and raises them back up again.
For I say one more time bring back holiness in my house and congregation. For I will spare not one injustice in my house any longer. For I am the one true God. For I dwell and build my houses of holiness. For the people who are called by my name know my voice. They are called by my name into the houses of worship that I choose. For I will pour out my spirit like never before. For I will make people as examples of what I can do when I call someone by my name. I am putting a stop to the preachers that turn on a dime.
My words are not to be misrepresented. They are words of spirit and truth. For I have told this to you this day my child to warn the people sitting on the fence. To warn them I want wisdom and knowledge in my true church not unholiness. For I am the one true God of Issac and Jacob. For I am standing up in my holy seat of habitation and I will pour out my spirit and judgment. I am a fair God but I will not smell the stench of lies and death in my church anymore.
For rise up my people who are called by my name for I will cover you with my robe of protection. For you will be a sweet smelling savor in my nose. I will teach you my word the ones called by my name. You will serve no other Gods but me. For I am the one true God. I will have no other Gods before me. For I will deliver you out of the pit of destruction. I will deliver you out of the destroyers mouth.
For you are mine saith the Lord you are mine. I love you so. You are my children. Now rise up rise up rise up just as I am rising up out of my holy seat of habitation. For my words are spirit and truth. For my words are saving words. For have I not told you of this time that is coming? For have I not told you that I will not spare my rod? For I am coming saith the Lord. I am coming. Seek me seek my face and you will find me for I am never far from you. For I am your witness to the things that I will show you.
Rejoice rejoice rejoice for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is at hand.
I am coming soon.
Your loving father, healer and Lord.