Woe to the wicked
June 30, 2020
Cassandra B
Received 06/30.
I was having a blessed day in the LORD reading in Isaiah, and Jeremiah confirming the prophecies foretold about the judgment on the land of Babylon and the blessed hope to come for all who fear and serve the LORD.
Then the LORD spoke to me he said write these words down daughter,
“ Woe to the wicked for the time of my recompense has come upon the earth. Destruction, chaos, and misery will abound. Have my people not forsaken me? Surely, I have my eye on the remnant few who have remained faithful. Behold for the glory of God will soon appear to take them home. For those who do not revere my teachings I am coming with a sword! There will be destruction and distress upon all nations, this will come upon them like a women in travail. Woe to the wicked for my grace did not abound for you, my mercy is for my righteous those who seek to live in me pursuing righteousness. I am a just and righteous God. There will be judgment upon all nations beginning with the least to the greatest! Woe to the great land of Babylon for your sins penetrate my nostrils and the LORD looks upon you with great scorn. I will trample you unto the wine press and I will gather my people from the four corners of the earth and unleash all hell upon this wicked land and the nations of whom fornicated with her.
Woe to the wicked for the hour of trial has come upon the earth! Those who are in denial soon will have nothing to deny but mourn because they denied the one whom truly matters the LORD of LORDS, the KING of KINGS! The time has come for my beloveds to look up and know that their redemption is near!