
Without Spot it Wrinkle: The Refining Fire – JeBryan R.

Without Spot it Wrinkle: The Refining Fire
May 16, 2019, 9:11 AM
JeBryan R.

As I was in prayer yesterday morning and I felt the Lord lay this Word heavy on my heart…


“My son, My children’s welfare is of the utmost importance to Me. For those who have chosen to respond to Me, to acknowledge Me as their true Father, I take every available opportunity to draw them closer and to conform them into the image of My Son. Truly this is not always a comfortable process as it involves DYING TO THE FLESH AND PURGING ALL THAT WOULD HINDER. Right now in the Spirit a great cleansing IS occurring as I Am removing all things that causes offense to Me in the lives of My children as well as all things that hinder their walk with me. Again I say- I Am in a great process of removing all things that are unpleasing to Me in the lives of My children. DO NOT RESIST THIS AS THIS ENDEAVOR IS FROM MY HAND. Those that will embrace it and yield to it will be refined faster, more quickly and with less pain than those that resist and yield grudgingly. The trials that you are walking in in this moment are being allowed by Me in order to prepare you for the coming days ahead. Yield to Me and do not fear, trust yourself to Me as a piece of clay is completely yielded to the hand of the potter. Know that I know all things and bring about all things in My time and in My way for your greatest good and My greatest glory. My true ones are enduring the fires now to be prepared for the greatest outpouring of My Spirit the world has ever seen. The deeper you allow Me to refine you, the greater you can and will be used by My Hand.

Ask of Me as David did if there is any unclean or wicked way in you, allow Me to remove them during and through these trials: superfluous materialism, detrimental eating habits, toxic, unhealthy and destructive relationships, worldly pursuits and distractions, excessive hobbies, how you speak and act toward others, cursing and filthy speech, lewd and lurid thinking, crass and debauched humor, habits of time wasting and slothfulness, ANYTHING that would cause you to take your eyes and attentions off Me and what I have called you to.

My son we are drawing near to the end of all things and My bride MUST be found without spot or wrinkle to be used and received by Me. No more half commitments, no more ankle deep relationships with Me. No more half-hearted lukewarm endeavors with My Son. We are now at the time of the great choosing. The line in the sand is being drawn and those who profess to be mine must now WALK AS MINE.

Allow Me therefore, My sons and daughters, to complete this purging in you, knowing that it is by My Hand. I must accomplish this task in you that you might be Holy and complete, able to used by Me FULLY without distraction or double-mindedness.

Do not grow weary in it, but instead draw close to Me and walk in My peace. I will grant you the grace to endure it; and know that incredible glory and reward awaits those who yield completely to it. Put your hand in Mine and trust Me for this is all for My eternal purposes.”


JeBryan R.


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