Without HIM you are dust – 278pikelk
Published on Jul 9, 2018
Examine the facts, My Loves. You walk in flesh bodies now, My Children. If you do not humble your hearts and allow Me to set your carnal minds aside, there will be no room for My Holy Spirit to manifest within and through you. This means, My Children, that you must lay your distractions at My feet.
What is removing you from Me, My Children?
What is stealing your time and preventing you from diligently seeking Me?
It is so important right now that you’re allowing Me to circumcise your hearts, My Loves. It is vital that your hearts are closed to the filth that surrounds you but you remain open to My sanctification. I can in no way use a carnal mind. Only a humble heart can be used to further My Kingdom. A man is nothing without Me, My Children, just dust. The enemy will do whatever he can to keep you hostage in this world, and all of its distractions.
I promise you a Helper, My Children – My very Holy Spirit. Are you allowing Him to help you? Are you walking away from the distractions of this world, and allowing Him to overflow your every cell? You are all My vessels, My Loves, but you must choose to empty yourselves of this world and its filth, so that I might fill you with Me.
I know, My Children, that you battle against your carnality. I know, My Children, that it is not easy to walk away from the distractions of this world, but when your time and thoughts are on this world, My power to change you becomes void. You must lay your lives at My feet, My Children. You must walk away from the filth of this world and allow My Kingdom to rule in your hearts. This means not living in your carnal state, but allowing My Holy Spirit to flow within and through you.
I did not put you in this place at this time to sit still. I wish for all of My Children to receive and partake My promises for them. This is not accomplished by your efforts, My Loves, but it is accomplished by allowing Me in. My Holy Spirit will direct your paths, My Children, but only if you let him. He must be a constant companion, not just a once-a-week visit to your church. He is available to you at all times and in all places. If He is in your hearts, My Children, you have My power burning within you always, but unless you submit your carnality over to His direction, you are sitting still.
I want good things for you, My Children. I desire to hold you close in My bosom. When you reject My directives, you are rejecting Me. Unless you allow My Holy Spirit to operate in and through you, you will be stuck, subject to the enemy and his plans to bring you down. Without Him, you are a sitting duck for the enemy, and he will do all that he can to keep you from My Kingdom living.
You must believe, My Children, that I want all dead fruit removed from you. I want to cleanse you from unrighteousness. You cannot behave your way into My grace, My Loves. You must realize this: for only with My Holy Spirit working in you to change you and through you to share My love with others, can My plan for you unfold.
Humble yourselves now, My Children. Allow Me to purge the pride of your flesh. My good fruit is only produced when the Holy Spirit is its catalyst. There is no good fruits produced by hearts of men on their own. Submit to Me, My Loves, knowing that you carry on, not in your own strength, but in Mine. The consequences of walking in your own carnal ways are grave.
Lay your hearts at the foot of My Cross and allow Me to fill them with My love, and with My power. For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, My Loves, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Your carnal mind has no chance against such powers. Remember, without My Holy Spirit, you are dust. Your obedience springs forth, not from your heart of flesh, but only by My Holy Spirit. When you quell Him, you walk alone.
Receive My faith, that My Helper is in the greatest of supply. He is mighty to shower you in My glory. He is mighty to be of service to you in this battle against your own carnal mind. He removes your way of thinking, and places within your mind My strength of thought. The carnal mind will always lead you astray from My truth, My Children. I offer to you My strength for living, but it is only obtained by My Holy Spirit within you. Start receiving Him wherever you are. Don’t let the shame and condemnation placed upon you by the enemy to keep you from receiving Him.
The enemy is your accuser. I am the only judge. Each man’s heart will be judged, and hearts that are filled with My Holy Spirit will be judged based on Him alone. Lay on your faces, My Children, and ask for His indwelling. He will come to you exactly where you are. My finished work on the Cross has already cleansed you, My Loves. You are pure and as white as snow. Receive this truth, and receive My Holy Spirit. I say it again: without Him, you are dust.
I love you, My Children.
Elohim Adonai