With Great Fervor Be An Overcomer
March 3, 2021 7:12 AM
Brian Ethier
With great fervor be an overcomer, for only cowards yield,
When the foe they meet on the battlefield;
We are blood-bought of the Royal Host,
And we must not falter nor to ever desert our post.
May you never yield a step in the hottest fight,
For the Messiah will send you help from the realms of Light;
In Yahusha’s Power put the foe to flight,
Let no one steal your crown, hold on with all your might.
With great ardor be an overcomer, He who stands with you,
Is the mighty Savior King who is always True;
In the surest conflict you shall win the day,
So do face the legions dark until they flee away.
Fainting soldier now be strong even though the strife seems long,
For soon the conflict will be done, and the battle will be won;
So with determination and courage do press the conflict to the gates,
And gain the prize from Heaven that for you awaits.
Now hear your Captain’s inspiring word, “I have conquered all thy foes,
And I have suffered all of thy woes,
Now My struggling soldier do put all of your trust in Me,
For I’ve overcome the world for thee, now you shall overcome the world through Me.”
In Yahusha’s power put the foe to flight,
Let no one steal your crown, hold on with all of your might!