His PrincessBride
Whom the Lord Loveth, He Correcteth
My daughter,
The days of happiness and bliss are long gone for a people who daily ignore My warnings and My word. For the signs have been here all along of the impending doom that has reached these shores.
Many thought not to cry out to Me in repentence, but instead, went on with their foolish and wicked schemes. Many think I see not the wickedness in their hearts, yet I see blackened filth. I am not moved nor am I amazed at their stunning displays and facades.
Do they not know I am He who searches the hearts and minds? But alas, they shall and will wish they had heeded the warnings given. What has been on the horizon is no longer a ways off but right on top of them, yet they believe it not. Are they foolish enough to think they can be left without but remain unaffected by the storm?
Many shrug it off, as if it’s a passing thing, but they shall understand that I am not slack concerning My promises but have been longsuffering for the sake of repentence that they might leave their wickedness behind, for I truly desire that none perish.
My lass, it has come – the great Day of the Lord – when I pour out My judgments upon all, for they haven’t hearkened unto My voice, nor have they heeded the warning signals all around them. Believe Me when I tell you they will be surprised and many think Me unjust or unfair. But now the time of reaping.
The storm across the land shall leave naught but chaos and confusion and a pile of rubble. Then shall I send forth My own who’ve been kept and prepared for such a time as this. As I bring them forth, do not despise nor reject them and the words they will bring, but hearken diligently when I correct, for them I love, I chasten.
Now the storm of all storms has arrived, and what will you do? Turn to Me in repentence; come and seek Me that I may receive you. Turn from iniquity to walk in My ways that the paths of the just may lead you home to Me.
My children, brace yourselves, for the moment of impact has arrived on the scene. So what I say to you I say to all, Watch.
Scriptures: Isaiah 66:4, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Amos 6:3, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, 2 Peter 2:3, Genesis 6:5, Zephaniah 1:14, Ezekiel 7:5-9, Galatians 6:7, Hebrews 4:7, Hebrews 12:5-6, Joel 2:12-13, Zechariah 1:3, 2 Chronicles 7:14, 2 Timothy 2:19, Proverbs 4:18, Mark 13:37
Posted by His princessbride at 4:06 PM