
While in the Presence of Mine Enemies – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

While in the Presence of Mine Enemies

11/1/24 8:50 AM


Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.  Who are my enemies and what do they want?  Am I ready to confront them with his Word?  Am I ready to be fearless while encountering adversity?  Is my battle gear ready and have I prepared it in advance?

My soul has always been the prize.  I belong to no one other than my Lord and Savior.   I walk in humility and peace as I slay the “dragons” who wish to capture me for eternity.

I continue down the narrow road circumventing sin while watching for the roadblocks meant to capture me.  Jesus will guide me and show me the way as things and events become more difficult.  I count on his guidance, love, and compassion to make “new routes” to avoid all pitfalls along the way.  He is my shield and buckler along my path.  Though I walk in the presence of my enemies, I have a hedge of protection around me at all times.

I wait patiently for the final battles to begin and make their mark in history.  For we are the Victor when all is said and done.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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