
Where to Get Help in the Book of Psalms

Where to Get Help in the Book of Psalms

When you feel…

Afraid: 3; 4; 27; 46; 49; 56; 91; 118 Overwhelmed: 25; 69; 142
Alone: 9; 10; 12; 13; 27; 40; 43
Penitent/Sorry: 32; 51; 66
“Burned out”: 6; 63
Proud: 14; 30; 49
Cheated: 41
Purposeless: 14; 25; 39; 49; 90
Confused: 10; 12; 73
Sad: 13
Depressed: 27; 34; 42; 43; 88; 143
Self-confident: 24
Distressed: 13; 25; 31; 40; 107
Tense: 4
Elated: 19; 96
Thankful: 118; 136; 138
Guilt: 19; 32; 38; 51
Threatened: 3; 11; 17
Hateful: 11
Tired/Weak: 6; 13; 18; 28 ; 29; 40; 86
Impatient: 13; 27; 37; 40
Trapped: 7; 17; 42; 88; 142
Insecure: 3; 5; 12; 91
Unimportant: 8; 90; 139
Insulted: 41; 70
Vengeful: 3; 7; 109
Jealous: 37
Worried: 37
Like Quitting: 29; 43; 145
Worshipful: 8; 19; 27; 29; 150
Lost: 23; 139

When you’re facing…

Atheists: 10; 14; 19; 52; 53; 115
Lies: 5; 12; 120
Competition: 133
Old Age: 71; 92
Criticism: 35; 56; 120
Persecution: 1; 3; 7; 56
Danger: 11
Poverty: 9; 10; 12
Death: 6; 71; 90
Punishment: 6; 38; 39
Decisions: 1; 119
Slander/Insults: 7; 15; 35; 43; 120 Discrimination: 54
Slaughter: 6; 46; 83
Doubts: 34; 37; 94
Sorrow: 23; 34
Evil people: 10; 35; 36; 49; 52; 109;1 40 Success: 18; 112; 127; 128
Enemies: 3; 25; 35; 41; 56; 59
Temptation: 38; 141
Heresy: 14
Troubles: 34; 55; 86; 102; 142; 145
Hypocrisy: 26; 28; 40; 50
Verbal Cruelty: 35; 120
Illness: 6; 139

When you want…

Acceptance: 139
Justice: 2; 7; 14; 26; 37; 49; 58; 82
Answers: 4; 17
Knowledge: 2; 8; 18; 19; 25; 29; 97; 103 Confidence: 46; 71
Leadership: 72
Courage: 11; 42
Miracles: 60; 111
Fellowship with God: 5; 16; 25; 27; 37; 133 Money: 15; 16; 17; 49
Forgiveness: 32; 38; 40; 51; 69; 86; 103; 130 Peace: 3; 4
Friendship: 16
Perspective: 2; 11
Godliness: 15; 25
Prayer: 5; 17; 27; 61
Guidance: 1; 5; 15; 19; 25; 32; 48
Protection: 3; 4; 7; 16; 17; 18; 23; 27; 31; 91; 121; 125
Healing: 6; 41
Provision: 23
Hope: 16; 17; 18; 23; 27
Rest: 23; 27
Humility: 19; 147
Salvation: 26; 37; 49; 126
Illumination: 19
Stability: 11; 33; 46
Integrity: 24; 25
Vindication: 9; 14; 28; 35; 109
Joy: 9; 16; 28; 126
Wisdom: 1; 16; 19; 64; 111


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