Where is your treasure?
11/5/24 5:20 PM
Roxanne V
Where is your treasure? Where and what is your heart fixed upon?
In November 2022 I had this vision of a flaming ($US) 5 dollar bill with Ben Franklin’s face on it. I didn’t understand the meaning of the “5” at the time or why it was Franklin and not Lincoln on the bill. The understanding came earlier this year, and the urge to repost the message won’t let up.
$100 worth $5. Dollar value fails.
So, there’s another warning to add to the pile of warnings of the dollar crashing, which are now numerous. The question is — are you listening?
He keeps telling us to prepare our hearts. He knows it’s going to floor us, no matter how homestead-ready we think we are. None of us have gone through this.
If you haven’t prayed about preparations and plans or talked with your family at all about this event – it’s go time. For those who aren’t listening to you, it will be among the wake-ups that will bring many back to Him, our Provider.
Many will turn away and worse.
So again, have you truly put all of your trust in Him and prayed into this judgement for provision, preparation and mercy for your family and community? It’s time for the test of faith and trust in the LORD God as our Provider.
Silver and gold are God’s money — and yet, the true wealth of the Kingdom of heaven is in the Father’s heart. Currencies of faith, love, kindness, holiness, humility, gentleness, patience, peace, mercy – all things godly are what we plant our feet in as we walk in the Spirit. Walking in HIS truth, HIS Word, HIS promises.
And then, as He provides and proves His abundant faithfulness, will you pass the test of giving to those in need? Or will pride set in or lust for wealth or even idolatry? Please prayerfully and fearfully consider these tests for what they are — as the seducer prowls looking to devour His children. Our Father, El Shaddai, is our Provider. Thank Him for His provision. Trust in Him alone.
I pray His blessings for you and your family and His wings over you through these new days ahead.
God absolutely watches over His Word to perform it. This little book, Faith for Finances by, E.W. Kenyon and Don Gossett, is an encouraging reminder of our partnership with our Father and His faithfulness in supplying our every need: https://www.whitakerhouse.com/product/faith-for-finances/
Philippians 4:19
Romans 8:37
Luke 12:28, 31
Matthew 6:19, 20
Matthew 10:8
2 Corinthians 8:9
2 Corinthians 9:7
James 4:7
Proverbs 3:5, 6
Isaiah 30:21
Photos courtesy Depositphotos