Where Is The Relationship?
April 13, 2023 9:35 PM
Angela García
Rcvd 4/12 @4:44 am
Hear the words of the Lord…I AM the great I AM, and I AM that I AM tell the masses. I AM coming soon come to my feet! Seek me now while I AM still here…Soon I tell you the door closes and all will hear I never knew you depart from me ye workers of iniquity. Do I know you ask yourself? Do you seek me with all your heart? AM I a part of your days and life? My children seek me whole heartedly at my feet day at night praying fasting, reading, worshiping, turning down this world and seeking mine. Who is seeking properly as they should? Do not cry to me when you are left behind in the trenches when I send prophet after prophet and not one is seeking as they should. As I say few have picked up the mantle. Many (emphasized) are called and few have been chosen. Understand, I AM not a man that I should lie. I am not a heartless father, but these children, blatantly disobedient children have taken my sacrifice for granted a slap in the face saying one thing living a different way. They do not follow me, but the tainted corrupt world, they love all the pleasures a.k.a. distractions of the world. Am I truly a part of your life? Are you opening that dusty Bible? I know everything I see everything I know the hearts I know who is desperately seeking my ways, who wants my presence at this time. My own love, thy father, and they seek my ways they obey my word they live by my roadmap the word of God given for such a time as this, there is power in the name of Jesus and I AM the only way, truth to the life. Everlasting is my way! I AM not a temporary fix, but an everlasting lifestyle. Do not come to me as a genie with selfish prayers. When you do not walk with me where is the relationship? Sunday seekers understand the relationship I AM calling all my children to awaken from the coma of the lost pastors, putting my children to sleep with the lies of the enemy. Yes, believe I tell truth, and do not tickle the ears souls matter here I am not a man that I should lie. I love all big and small now who do you say I AM?! Pick up your cross daily know my ways, I AM yours and you are mine!!!
I AM your loving Abba, and I correct and chasten my own Yeshua The true Messiah, Jesus Christ
Matthew 25:10, 7:23, 24:40, 22:14, 7:15, 16:15
Acts 2:17, Jeremiah 29:13
Numbers 23:19, John 3:16
John 14:6, Psalm 139, 119:105
Esther 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:3
2 Peter 2:1
Rcv’d 4/12 pray for discernment
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